What's New Around Here?

  • December 2019: Eleven promo ads, three books, one yearbook and eleven newspaper articles added. (12/1/19)

  • November 2019: A tribute page to Bernard Slade, one poster, one Covered In Vinyl, one yearbook, thirty four timeline items (and one "additional info"), one Opened For The Cowsills, thirteen promo ads, twenty newspaper articles, four magazines, and two Did You Know items plus one additional info to a previous item. (11/1/19)

  • October 2019: Three posters, sixty two newspaper articles, one Yearbook, four timeline items, three books, fifteen Promo Ads, three Magazines, one comment about Beach Boy John, two Did You Know facts, and one Cowsills With Celebs added. (10/1/2019) | Happy Together Tour 2020 dates were added to the front page and the HTT 2020 page. (10/22/19)

  • September 2019: Added the HTT credits onto the credits page, numerous updates to the Happy Together Tour 2019 page, two posters, fifty five newspaper articles, one Opened For The Cowsills, one Yearbook, one drum art, forty eight timeline items, one Also Contributed To albums, three books, seventeen Promo Ads, one miscellaneous memorabilia, three Magazines, and one Covered In Vinyl show. (9/1/2019) | Kim U.'s photos from the Atlantic City show were added along with a news item to the front page. Also a page was started for the HTT 2020. (9/6/19)

  • August 2019: I re-worked the comic book page and added all pages to the comic, one transcript, numerous updates to the Happy Together Tour 2019 page, one Opened For The Cowsills, two Also Contributed To albums, twenty one Promo Ads and Photos, two compilations, one Cowsills and Celebs, two Miscellaneous Memorabilia, four Did You Know facts, fifty seven Newspaper Articles, one Yearbook, two Magazines and three Books. (8/1/19) | News of The Cowsills doing a song for a Mister Rogers tribute album was added to the front page. (8/17/19)

  • July 2019: Updates to the Happy Together Tour page as the 2019 edition continues the next two months, three transcripts, one art, fourty one new timeline (and one additional information item), forty five newspapers, twenty-two promo ads, two magazines, three also contributed to albums, one Opened For The Cowsills, and two posters added. (7/1/19)

  • June 2019: One transcript, one new CD, one Cowsill Song By Other Artists, two books, updates to the Happy Together Tour 2019 page, photos from John's concert in Topeka, KS, seventy eight new timeline items and ten additional info items, one yearbook, forty five newspapers, fifteen promo ads and three magazines added. (6/1/19)

  • May 2019: One new art, two trivia questions, two poster, one opening act, thirteen promo ads, thirty one new and one additional info added to the timeline, fifty eight newspaper articles, three magazine articles, one miscellaneous memorabilia, six compilations, couple updates to the Happy Together Tour 2019 page, and the Blue Rose Just Believe It liner notes added. (5/1/19)

  • April 2019: April starts a couple days early with thirteen timeline items, one opened for, eighteen promo ads, one yearbook, forty two newspaper articles, one Did You Know fact, one Picturesleeve, one Parody, updates to the Happy Together Tour 2019 page, three magazine, four miscellaneous memorabilia and one label added.(4/1/19)

  • March 2019: Newspaper birth announcements for Keira and Collin Cowsill added to the family tree, update to the Soundblast page, one covered in vinyl, two posters, one miscellaneous memorabilia, one opened for, fifteen promo ads, twenty timeline items, one yearbook, sixty one newspaper articles, and two Cowsills with Celebs. (3/1/19) | A tribute page was added for Hal Blaine. (3/11/19)

  • February 2019: Three promos, three posters, one pinup, one book, one Did You Know fact, updates to the Soundblast '66 and Happy Together Tour 2019 pages, one new band - Hair Trigger Cowboys, four compilations, one movie, one Opened For, one yearbook, nine magazines, two cds, fifty newspaper articles, thirty two new timeline items and five with additional info, and one Billy Memorial. (2/1/19) | A tribute page was added for Peter Tork. (2/21/19)

  • January 2019: 2019 is started off with three books, three magazines, sixty one newspapers, a few updates to the Happy Together 2019 tour dates, three movies , one yearbook, Joe Osborn was added to the studio musicians page, fifty five timeline articles, twelve promo ads, three Did You Know facts, three posters and an addition to the credits page. (1/1/2019) | A tribute page for Daryl Dragon was added. (1/2/19) | A tribute page was added for Galt McDermot. (1/20/19)

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    Last Update 12/1/19