Fan Club Newsletter

Cowsill Chronicle



Dear Diane,

The story I'm gonna tell you goes to prove how much I think of you!

In the Chronicle it says that if the radio station you listen to doesn't play "II x II" call up the D.J. and ask him to get it on the air! Well, that's just what I did and I wish I hadn't. Here's the conversation:

ME! Would you pleez play "II x II?"
D.J. Who is it by?
ME! The Cowsills. It's their newest release. Well it's the newest song by them! Will you play it?
D.J. I don't think so!
ME! Why not?
D.J. 'Cos it's not a good song, it never made a hit and besides it's 8 months old!
ME! A song could never be a hit if you don't play it! I always listen to your radio station and you never played it! (I was mad now!)
D.J. Well, er I don't ...
ME! Why don't you try playing it once and give it a chance! (Then I hung up on him!)

I mean how could you say a song was never a hit when you never give it a chance. Well, I wasn't about to give up so I called another radio station! Here's the conversation:

ME! Will you please play "II x II?"
D.J I'm sorry, I can't. It wasn't a hit and it's almost a year old.
ME! Well, can you play it as an Oldie for me?
D.J No, I'm sorry it wasn't a hit and I just can't do it! (So I hung up on him!)

Boy, by this time I was more than mad, I was furious! So, every five minutes I would call BOTH up and ask them to play "II x II!" Then, I had my friend call up on of them and ask him to play it! He said,

"Are you the party that called here before and hung up?"

She said, "Do you have it?"

And the answer really tore me apart,

"No, we don't and we never did!"

So I called him back and turned on "Ii x II' as loud as my record player would go and said:

"It's a hit, mister, it's a hit!"

I know I sound like a snob but when he said he didn't have it, THAT really got me mad! So, I thought to myself I'll just forget the whole thing! I have the record but that's not why I wanna hear it on the radio! I wanna see it as Number1! So I forgot about it and


PAUL with Jody Gibson and Debbie Rhodes in Great Falls, MT

BARRY, PAUL and JOHN with Roxanne Wohlford at the Cowsills home in Santa Monica, Calif.


COWSILL THANX are extended by John Barry, Bob, Sue, and most recently Paul for all of the lovely cards, letters, notes, and gifts that you fans sent to them on their birthdays. Bob would also like to say thanx to everyone who sent their congratulations on his marriage to Nanci Roberts in June.

BETH BATCHELDER of Coeur D'Alene, Idaho who sent us the largest Cowsill Scrapbook ever, TWO huge volumes!

DARLA SANKOVICH of Phoenix, Arizona who has sent one let or more a day to Barry throughout the Summer.

MARY BROMBEREK of West Allis, Wisconsin who also sent a great Cowsill Souvenir Scrapbook filled with newspaper clippings.

CARRIE SENOGLES of Topeka, Kansas who sent us our largest Fan letter ever. It was a whopping 19 feet 7 inches!


GENA McHONE OF Terrell, Texas who sent us a laminated collage wastepaper basket using hundreds of clippings from magazines. By the way, a section of this great trash can is show on page 4 of this issue of the Chronicle.

DONNA GORE of Atlanta, Georgia who sent us a Cowsill Scrapbook overflowing with OLD Cowsill Photos.

SHARON HIGGINSON of Loves Park, Illinois who sent us her fabulous 96 page illustrated fictional story. We all read it and LUVED it!

the next day in church the priest says.

"Then the Lord summoned the Twelve and sent them off II x II."

I said Oh Father, Thanx! under my breath! Just wanted to let you know that "II x II" is a great hit on the radio or not! Whatever the disc jockey may be!

Marie Wopart
Tulsa, Oklahoma

Dear Diane,

Even though I recently joined the COWSILLS CLUB, I'm proud to say that I like this great group.

I have to admit that I like all of the Cowsills for different reasons, I like John's freckles and big smile; Barry's looks and especially his eyes; Paul, well he's just plain groovy!, and Susan's adorable. From what I've heard, Bob's a real sweet guy.

Anyway, I just wanted to say thanx for

letting me be a member of the fan club of such a groovy group!

Maryann Smith
New Jersey

(Thanx - ed.)

Dear Diane,

I was fortunate enough to see the Cowsills in Great Falls, Montana on July 26.

I got to know them very well and the funny thing was that they are like any other family that I know. They were very tired when they arrived because they had drived from Wyoming from 11:30 at night till about 5:30 in the afternoon. But still, they put on a fabulous show.

In my book, the Cowsills are NO. 1 so let's all keep "em" there, OK?

Sue Reber

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