Fan Club Newsletter

Cowsill Chronicle



Dear Cowsills,

It has been a month now since I heard your group play at the Roosevelt Auditorium in Des Moines, Iowa and I am still impressed with the fine job that you did.

The group sounded terrific on every single number. I particularly enjoyed Susan's performance and Barry's song "II x II," I think that John is a great drummer, and he will be known by everyone in the years to come. Bob can really sing and play the guitar. One of my favorite songs of the night was "Hair," Paul did a fine job on the organ, and the group was rounded out perfectly by the contributions of Mrs. Cowsill.

I wanted to write to let you know how much I enjoyed the performance. I realized that you probably get thousands of fan letters and won't ever even see this letter. Still, I hope that someone in the group reads this, and realizes that Des. Moines was glad to have the Cowsills perform. If the Cowsills ever come back to Iowa or the Des Moines area, I will be sure not to miss hearing you again. I hope that I can hear you again sometime soon. Thanks again for a truly enjoyable evening.

Paul Hawkins
Age 21

Dear Bob,

CONGRATULATIONS! When my girl friend and I read in "16" Magazine that you were getting married in June, we were shocked. However, we are very, very happy for you. We are great fans of the Cowsills, but unfortunately we never had the opportunity to meet you. We do, however, feel as if we have known you all of our lives, so when we heard of your marriage, we felt as if our own brother was getting married. Bob, you're getting the best ushers, best-man, best junior bridesmaid and best bride in the whole world. Nancy is getting the best husband anyone could ever dream of. Hey, Bob, do you mind if I go to your French Class? All kidding aside, I wish you and Nancy all of the happiness in the world and may God bless and keep you two happy for the rest of your lives.

Linda Huddleston

Dear Linda,

I just want to say thanks to you and all of the hundreds of others who congratulated myself and Nanci on our wedding. I just wish that we could print all of the letters from everyone who wrote to us.

Bob Cowsill

(Continued on page #8)

All letters used in the Chronicle are subject to editing and/or condensation.



1. Cowsills former home town.
3. Barry's imitation of _____ Jagger.
8. Barry's middle name.
10. Bob's Twin.
12. DEVIL WITH A BLUE ______ ON.
13. INDIAN _____.
14. Susan's Dog

1. Act ______.
2. Fourth oldes boy.
3. Cowsills _____ commercials.
4. Best group ever!
5. _____ AWAY RENEE.
6. Sings MR. POSTMAN.
7. Cowsill hit (theme song of a musical play by the same name)

C is for the CHEERFUL look the fans give when they hear them sing.

O is for the OPPORTUNITY to let the Cowsills do their thing.

W is for the WARM feeling they give.

S is for the SUCCESSFUL life they live.

I is for the INCREDIBLE singing they do.

L is for th LOVE the fans give to you.

L is for the LONG beautiful hair.

S is for the SENSATIONAL clothes they wear.

Susan Warfle
Port Norris, New Jersey


Bonnie McCloskey did this lovely sketch of PAUL COWSILL, Bonnie lives in Churchville, PA.

Once upon a time MR. POSTMAN was to deliver a NEWSPAPER BLANKET to MR. FLYNN. Losing his way, he stopped to ASK THE CHILDREN who were saying HELLO, HELLO. Take THE BRIDGE over INDIAN LAKE then follow down THE PATH OF LOVE until you arrive at THE RAIN, THE PARK, AND OTHER THINGS. There you can MAKE THE MUSIC FLOW one of them said, and when you MEET ME AT THE WISHING WELL, we'll throw in a few PENNIES. Then WE CAN FLY to THE FANTASY WORLD OF HARRY FAVERSHAM and start PAINTING THE DAY. Pretty soon we'll start THINK ABOUT THE OTHER SIDE and have beautiful DREAMS OF LINDA. By then we should be GETTIN INTO THAT SUNNY, SUNNY FEELIN AGAIN. Now we can sail down the RIVER BLUE and meet the DEVIL WITH A BLUE DRESS on who is picking TROUBLED ROSES. Next we meet CAPTAIN SAD AN DHIS SHIP OF FOOLS who are IN NEED OF A FRIEND and they say, "My, What a beautiful GRAY SUNNY DAY!" Now they ask us WHO CAN TEACH A SONGBIRD HOW TO SING? And our answer is, "We don't know. Probably the same person who CAN'T MEANSURE THE COST OF A WOMAN LOST." We now are on our way again and on our way we by chance meet a very pretty girl with long shiny HAIR. Hi! What's your name? "Renee." Well, we're terribly sorry but we must WALK AWAY RENEE for it is now MONDAY, MONDAY. And remember you will make many friends if you just ACT NATURALLY. If you ever need help just REACH OUT (I'LL BE THERE), to give you GOOD VIBRATIONS and I'll always be looking for THE SUNSHINE OF YOUR LOVE. GOOD GOLLY MISS MOLLY your kids drive me crazy. Why couldn't I have been a PAPERBACK WRITER instead. HOW CAN I MAKE YOU SEE that all I want to do is deliver my package. Now (STOP, LOOK) IS ANYONE THERE? No. We're all by ourselves and I'm absolutely getting nowhere. POOR BABY (COME AROUND HERE) I'M THE ONE YOU NEED. I know how you feel, that sometimes you're just GOTTA GET AWAY FROM IT ALL. THAT'S MY TIME OF THE DAY too, but at least this will be A TIME FOR REMEMBERANCE.

Melody Clark
Great Bend, New York

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