Hair Parody
by Eddie Starr
September 24, 2000
Used by permission of Eddie Starr

We suddenly lost Eddie on November 21, 2003.
May God hold you tight in His arms for us Eddie !!!


Eddie Starr
(May 9, 1956 - November 21, 2003)
Click here to read Eddie's obituary.

Red Hair
by Skippy the Lost Cowsill

Don't ask him why...
Why I'm a red haired guy
My hair is redder than a Santa Claus suit
My hair is a hoot
My brothers all have brown
but don't ask mom why,
When dad's around
The kids make fun of me
Like I'm Bozo clown... Darlin

I'd rather be dead than red, red upon the head
So kill me, fill me with a toxic poison
Push me off a bridge
Throw me from a building
Why daddy why, momma
Why do I gotta have red hair

They tease me, and taunt me
Say better dead than red on the head

I was picked on in school, I was played for the fool
And they called me the carrot top kid
But it was not red at all, it was the color of a basketball
Light orange, bright orange, but still they always call me red

Dye it, fry it, long as I don't gotta be red

I'll dye it black, brown, maybe yellow,
All the colors Lady Clairol,
Makes available to me,
Except for red dye number three.
Ain't no doubt about it, I can live without it
No more laughin', no more jokin'
No more hey he looks like Howdy Doody

Oh say can you see, he looks just like Opie
Richie Cunningham
Wear a wig, wear a fall, cut it off, shave it bald
Cause when you are bald
You never have to cut it, cause there's no hair at all

Oh give me a head that's bald, chrome dome-ally bald
Shinin, gleamin, shiney like my hiney
Aint not hair at all, (balded)
Like Curly from the Stooges (balded)
Bald daddy, bald momma
Long as I got no hair at all, I'm totally bald
No red hair at all
Baaaaaaald (Big intrumental finish and OUT)

The Tale Of Skippy the Lost Cowsill

The orginal story (posted on message board) may have been lost, but here Eddie attempts to reconstruction it for me. (The Skippy story was so funny. At CM III I remember us all yelling "Go Skippy!!")

"I had went on the board and announced that I was actually Skippy the lost Cowsill who wanted to get back with the family again and I then told the story of how I was John's fraternal twin and the only red headed Cowsill and that I never actually got to play in the band and was jealous of Richard because I didn't even get to help carry the equipment. I had told everyone that my job in The Cowsills was to get to the state fairs early to help set up carnival equipment and that Bud kicked me out of the band when he caught me sniffing glue with my carnival buddies, the midget clowns. I told everyone that what had happened was that Tiger Beat Magazine was doing a story about us and they were taking pictures of me setting up a tilta whirl when dad confronted me with a half used tube of airplane glue and not only kicked me out of the band but left me in a rest stop bathroom on the toilet as I heard the bus speed away. I never heard from them again. I told everyone that the bad thing is that I had actually just written the sequel to our big hit Hair which was called "Red Hair" but it was never recorded. I also told everyone that as mean as dad was to me I really looked up to our red headed bus driver Buster Bonaduce who use to let me sit on his lap and operate the stop and go sign on the outside of the bus and that dad use to sit and stare at Buster and me who also had red hair with a strange look. I think that Bud just didn't like red hair for some reason and Buster just really treated me good because he had the same color hair as me.

I ended my story by telling everyone that I was back and that I didn't harbor any hard feelings against my brothers for leaving me at that truck stop on the toilet and that I would really like to see them all again. Maybe set up a tilt a whirl at one of their reunion show somewhere or something."

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