Fan Club Newsletter

Cowsill Chronicle


This is our first Cowsill Chronicle, which we hope you'll dig. We think it's outasite, but let us know your opinion ... what you'd like more of , less of, and so on.

We'd like you to contribute to the Cowsill Chronicle too. If you've got a groovy picture of yourself and The Cowsills (maybe from this summer), or a poem, a SHORT short story about our group, or a drawing of one or all of The Cowsills, that you'd like to share with other fan club members, please send it to me c/o COWSILL CHRONICLE, 8462 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 307, Los Angeles, California 90069. We're looking forward to receiving your contributions, and we'll pick the best of what we get from our friends and publish them in upcoming editions of the Cowsills Chronicle.

As Dean Martin (whom we'll call Susie's co-star!) says, "Keep those cards and letters coming!"

Diane Warner, EDITOR

P.S. Let's make "Silver Threads and Golden Needles" the biggest hit The Cowsills have ever had! Call your local deejays and get it on the air. The Cowsills are our number one group. Let's make their new single number one in the nation!

From the Cowsills

Well, we have some special news for you to report from our travels before we get back home to Los Angeles at the end of September.

SUSAN: Hi! No, I'm not running away from home and the boys. But I am going to do "my own thing" on the Dean Martin Show on Thanksgiving. Check in to see how I do on my own!

BOB: Finally have made up my mind about college. Theater Arts at UCLA. Guess that kind of shook up a few people who thought I'd choose music. But I'm into music already, and would like to get some training as an actor. You dig?

BARRY: Happy Birthday, September 14.

PAUL: Happy Birthday, November 11.

About DICK: Yes, Dick's finally home from 'Nam. He's not completely through with his stint for Uncle Sam, but was it ever great when he met us on the road. It's like old itmes again! Let's all hear it for Dick: "Welcome home!"



Following The Cowsill move last year from the east coast to Los Angelas, the group has been in the process of setting up a new Fan Club operaiton from offices located at 9255 Sunset Boulevard.

First step was to collect mail which poured in for various members of the group from the U.S., Europe, and Asia being sent to addresses both in Los Angeles and New York.

The best method for combining membership of The Cowsill's previous Fan Club and new members into one club was selected, and members were asked to turn in the membership cards from the old club as proof of their having belonged. New cards are in the process of being issued to both old and new members by National Fan Club President, Diane Warner.

Following membership cards, fan club members will be receiving regular reports on The Cowsills recent and future activities through newsletters and the brand new Cowsill Chronicle, which will be published quarterly for fan club members only.


Recognize anyone in line for tickets to "Hair" at the Aquarius Theater in Hollywood? If you spot three of those "Hair" boys, Paul, John and Barry Cowsill, you've scored one hundred percent. The groovy mural on the theater wall is painted by The Foot.



The Cowsills have taped a segment of ABC-TV's "Music Scene" show, which will be the first televised performance of the group's new hit single record, "Silver Threads and Golden Needles," on which John Cowsill is featured as lead singer.

For air date of "Music Scene," Cowsill fans are advised to keep an eye on the television guides in their newspapers.

"Music Scene" is just one of the groovy TV shows The Cowsills are appearing on this fall. They sing the title theme of ABC's "Love, American Style," guest on the Christmas Eve Kraft Music Hall Show on NBC, and Susan will be spending Thanksgiving evening on NBC with Dean Martin.


The Cowsill will soon be appearing:
October 1 Jamestown, North Dakota
Octover 2 Fargo, North Dakota
October 3 Jonesboro, Arkansas
October 4 Richmond, Virginia
October 5 Pueblo, Colorado
October 23 Baylor University, Waco, Texas
October 24 Texas A & M
November 27 The Dean Martin Show (with special guest star Susan Cowsill)
December 24 Kraft Music Hall

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