Dear Mrs. Cowsill:
I'm the one who wrote before and got very depressed when I didn't get an answer. Well, I really dig your son John. I'm coming to Santa Barbara this Christmas, and was wondering if I could meet your family because I think your family is the most sincere, grateful, and homelike, and not all stuck up because of being in the limelight for a while.
J.G. - Minnesota
Dear J:
First of all, I'd like to explain to you and to many others who write why they don't get immediate replies to letters. It's simply because we're traveling so much, and it takes so long to catch up on everything in the little time we're back in California. It takes quite a while just to READ the letters we get, which we enjoy so much. But when you cook, wash, and keep house for nine people as I do, you don't have much time left over for letter writing!
It's hard to say at this point whether we'll even be home at Christmas when you come to the West coast. But we do like the way you feel about us. We're glad you came backstage to see us this summer, and know you must be a great gal to take time to write not one, but TWO letters.
luv ya, Barbara Cowsill
(Editor's note: Beginning with this, our first issue of the Cowsill Chronicle; we are going to have Barbara Cowsill answer some of the questions that come her way in print.
If you'd like to ask Barbara something, please send your letter to Barbara's Bulletin Board, Cowsill Chronicle, 8462 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 307, Los Angeles, California 90069.
We'll try to answer as many as possible, but as you'll understand, our space is limited.)
The Cowsills' new souvenir program with all-new pictures of the group's all-new look in both black and white and color made its debut mid-summer while The Cowsills were traveling throughout the U.S. on their three month personal appearance tour.
The program was designed by Los Angeles artist Cal Schenkel.
Pages two and three of COWSILL CHRONICLE are reserved - for YOU! You know where to write if you'd like to contribute to the COWSILL CHRONICLE:
Diane Warner, Editor
8462 Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90069
Remember, we'll have to receive your article, poem, drawing, or photograph of you with us by the middle of October so we can make the deadline for our next issue of the COWSILL CHRONICLE, which will be Volume 1, Number 2.
We had to do it all ourselves this time, but next time we're counting on YOU!

SUSAN will be "doing her thing" on the Dean Martin Show Thanksgiving evening, which should be fun. It will be the first time one member of The Cowsills has appeared on TV without the others.
Dear The Cowsills:
I'm a Vietnamese teenager, 16 years old. My name is Fernando Pham trong Hoang.
I feel I must write and tell all of you how much I like you. You are very famouns in my country, and a lot of your records do very well here in Saigon.
I especially like the music "Hair." A few weeks ago, I had a chance to watch you on television, and you played this beautifully.
My best wishes to you.
Fernando Pham trong Hoang
49 Pasteur, Room 209
Saigon, Viet Nam
(Editor's Note: Ordinarily we won't print letters received by The Cowsills, but this one was a bit special, coming from Viet Nam, where it's nice to know there are teens just like you and me who like The Cowsills just as we do. We're publishing Fernando's address as it might be fun for you to write a fellow fan from far away.)
Poet's Corner
The Cowsill clan began to form
one sunny afternoon,
When Barb and Bud walked from the church,
They're now called bride and groom,
First born to them in '48
the handsomest little boy.
His name was Bill,
The new Cowsill,
and daddy's pride and joy.
Next came Bob in '49,
and Dick and Paul came later.
All these boys and still no girl!
They said, "We must await her."
Then the arrival of two more boys,
Whose names were John and Barry,
In '54 and '56,
Poor Barb was getting weary.
A short time passed
When now at last
Along comes little Sue,
Whom they've awaited years and years,
And now their dream comes true.
By Kathy Nuccio
Beverly, Massachusetts