Front cover - We Can Fly - United Kingdom
Back cover
MGM Records Limited,
2-4 Dean St., London W.I.,England
Personal Management: Leonard Stogel and Associates, Ltd.
Arranged by Artie Schroack, Herb Bernstein and Charlie Calello
Produced by Bill and Bob Cowsill
A Product of Gregg Yale, Inc.
Director of Engineering: Val Valentin
Cover Photo: DeWayne Dairymple
Special thanks to the engineer, Roy Cicala for giving up his bed for the "8" track
This mono record has been produced by the most modern techniques of processing and manufacture and conforms to the highest possible standards. It will sound even better when reproduced on stereo equipment.
Printed and made by Garrod & Lolzhouse Ltd. Patents Pending MGM C CS 5077