Indian Avenue House

The house that we refer to as the Indian Avenue house has an actual address of 611 Buena Vista Ave. Although built up more now, the property when the Cowsills lived there was the house, then a huge yard, Gray Rock Beach, and the ocean. The Cowsill rented this house and Mr. Lampert was the landlord. Bill, Rich, Bob and Paul slept in one room on two sets of bunk beds, while Barry, John and Susan slept in another room.

On May 29, 2024, The Cowsills podcast centered on stories of life in this house. Much of the info below comes from that podcast.

The house Dan visited
right on the ocean
Photo: Dan Fitzgerald


The famous Alligator Rock
on Gray Rock Beach
Photo: Dan Fitzgerald

The Cowsills moved to this house from The Anchorage base housing. At the start of their time there, the house was divided into three residence. The Cowsills lived on the first floor. The Turner's and the Divine's were some of the families that lived on the second floor. We also know a Ensign Giles (3rd floor???) also lived there. Eventually, the Cowsill family also took over the 2nd floor busting through to make it a two-family residence.

Some stories from the Cowsills time there:
Bob learned to drive while living there. It was Aunt El (Bud's sister) who taught him.

Susan was taught to ride a bike (given to her by Mr. Lampert) here by big brothers Bob and Paul. Susan recalled heading down that big yard toward Gray Rock Beach and the boys yelling at her to fall before she went over the edge.

It was here that the boys started the band by beginning to learn Beatles songs. The neighbors were not as excited about the "noise." One morning they went out and found the tires on their station wagon slashed.

At the time, the house was surrounded by forest area. The kids could often be found in those woods playing cowboys and indians.

Susan wrote a song about life at this house. Click here to read the lyrics to "Avenue of The Indians".

It was here that the infamous "Mason-Dixon Line" story happen. In the documentary they referred to being lined up and ask where the Mason-Dixon line was.

Richard was the builder for the kids. He would build tree houses and was known to have taken Susan's skates and making a great skateboard.

This is where Biggie Korn entered the Cowsills story. Biggie had a tan Valiant car which Richard later stole and tried to blame Barbara.

Bob says the best Christmas ever happened here. There were six new bicycles and one tricycle.

Time was spent at the Bird Sanctuary, walking miles up the beach - even as far as Third Beach - and sledding in the cemetery.

Bob tells of going to the dump and finding carriages, taking the wheels/axles off and coming home and building hot rods.

Many a night was spent watching The Twilight Zone and eating popcorn.

One game played was 'Find The Clothes Pin.'

One memory was Halloween's and going up to Captain Robins house where they were invited in to find a table loaded with goodies and you got to choose one.

Bob remembers walking up Gray Rock Beach to a house where two Irish Setters lived and playing fetch with a tennis ball tossing it into the ocean for them to retrieve.

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