The Cowsills - Uruguay

Note: I used an online translation site to try and translate the paragraph text. Hence, things do not always make sense.

Pecas, sonrisas, grandes ojos pardos, una gran mansion en Rhode Island, una mami enchantadora y un monton de talent. Estos son los Cowsills. A lost Estados Unidos les tomo 500 anos el crear a los Cowsills. Quinientos anos de mezelar nacionalidades, razas, filosofias, creeneias y democracia dentro de sus fronteras. Quinientos anos de hacer familias con toda la gente de todos los paises del mundo. Y se hicieron los Cowsills. Hoy constituyen una dimension totalmente nueva en el mundo del entretenimiento.

Freckles, smiles, large brown eyes, a large mansion in Rhode Island, a (mami enchantadora) and a lot of talent. These are the Cowsills. Lost to United States it took them 500 years to create the Cowsills. Five hundred years of melting nationalities, races, philosophies, beliefs and democracy within its borders. Five hundred years to make families with all people from all countries of the world. And made the Cowsills. Today they constitute an entirely new dimension in the world of entertainment.

Ironicamente, si bien los Cowsills no fueron fabricados por las industria musical, la misma lista y esperandolos. Lo mismo se pudo decir anos atras de los Beatles. Esto es comparable a industria y todo el pais jugaron un papel principal en su aparicion. La industria musical estaba una reaccion quimica que require ciertos ingredients. En este caso, los ingredients son los mismos Cowsills.

Ironically, while the Cowsills were not manufactured by the music industry, the same list and waiting for you. The same might be said years ago by the Beatles. This is comparable to industry and all over the country played a major role in its emergence. The music industry was a reaction chemistry that requires certain ingredients. In this case, the ingredients are the same Cowsills.

La corporacion de los Cowsills obedece a la siguiente formacion: Bill, Bob, Barry y John Cowsill, conforman el nucleo del grupo Su madre, Barbara Cowsill, maneja su dulce y clara voz entre la armonia de los muchachos. Sus managers son Dick y Paul Cowsill que cuidan los equipos durante las giras. Tambien hay una Cowsill pequena, dulce y graciosa, a la que todos embroman pero a la que todos adoran, y el Sr. Cowsill quien, como corresponde a todo padre, coordina a todo este conglomerado.

The corporation of the Cowsills is due to the following training: Bill, Bob, John and Barry Cowsill, form the core of the group, their mother, Barbara Cowsill, manages its sweet and clear voice between the harmony of the boys. Their managers are Dick and Paul Cowsill that they take care of the equipment during the tours. There is also a Cowsill small, sweet, and enchanting, to which all tease but to the that all worship, and Mr. Cowsill who, as it corresponds to any parent, coordinates all this conglomerate.

Bud Cowsill cree que el amore s una palabra clave que reune a una familia, especialmente a la suya. “Cuando los chicos obran bien lo saben. Cuando los chicos obran mal tambien lo saben.” Sin embargo, resulta dificil para todo padre definer actualmente lo que es correcto de lo que no lo es. Su sola constant es el amor.

Bud Cowsill believes that love is a keyword that brings together a family, especially to yours. "When the kids are well aware. When the guys are evil know this, too." However, it is difficult for any parent to define currently what is right from what is not. Its single constant is love.

El Sr. y la Sra. Cowsill y flia. Viven en una vieja casa de 22 habitaciones en la cima de una de las pocas Colinas de Rhode Island, que tiene algo de irreal. El pasto tiene tres pies de alto y Curly, el perro de la casa y un miembro mas de las familia, caza Conejos y otros animals silvestres en esta fantastica selva. El interior es un reflejo do su exterior. La cocina es a gas y date de 1917. Antes de encenderla conviene raza una oracion. El living-room contiene un gran sofa, dos sillas y un aparato de television. Done deberia estar la biblioteca hay una mesa de ping pong. La casa tiene siete banos per una sola ducha.

Mr. and Mrs. Cowsill and family live in an old house of 22 rooms at the top of one of the few hills of Rhode Island, which is somewhat unreal. The grass is three feet high and Curly, the dog of the house and a member of the family, hunting rabbits and other wild animals in this fantastic jungle. The interior is a reflection of its exterior. The kitchen is to gas and date of 1917. Before turning it on race should be a prayer. The living-room contains a large sofa, two chairs and a television. Done should be the library there is a ping pong table. The house has seven bathrooms per a single shower.

Hace poco la familia estuvo por perderlo todo. No tenian dinero, el telefono les fue desconectado, no tenian petroleo para la estufa, iban a tener que dejar la casa que tanto significaba en sus vidas. En desesperado busqueda de ayuda financier llegaron a Nueva York. Encontraron en Lenny Stogel el hombre que les hacia falta. Los presente a Disco MGM y en pocas semanas los Cowsills, se tranformaron en una de las adquisiciones mas preciadas de la industria del discos.

Making the little family recently was losing everything. They had no money, the phone was disconnected them, they had no oil for the stove, they would have to leave the house that meant so much in their lives. In desperate search for help financier arrived in New York. In Lenny Stogel found the man that they were missing. The present Disc to MGM and within a few weeks the Cowsills, tranformed into one of the most prized acquisitions of the industry of the disks.

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