Grease The Cat was a local Newport, Rhode Island band from the 1972-1973 range.
In John's Vater interview he talked of this band. "So I moved back over here and I joined a band in – must have been 72 73 - called Grease The Cat. And you know – another cover band. We played up and down the New England Coast and it was during the kind of glitter rock thing so we were all decked out – kinda cool. And it was cool for me because I had never played with another band in my life, OK. I just played with my family, so and there was a lot of sibling stuff. “Your time is shitty” and “Your this is that” and “Hey don’t do that” So I was in a band where they actually – people were saying, 'Wow, man, this is cool. We have John Cowsill in our band.' You know I don’t use that name often because it is almost embarrassing to use it. That is we were embarrassed. I’m OK now. But I mean if you did use your name, they’d say “Ah no, you’re from that family band, right? No, that’s OK, we got Ricky Fatiaar” But that was a cool band. We did a lot of Led Zepplin stuff that I just love Led Zepplin, ZZ Top. Old ZZ Top. We did Flash so that was pre-Yes. So, we were doing some prod back then. That was fun for me. And I didn’t sing. I said, “No, I’m not singing.” Cuz I sing all the time when I play – which I’m glad I know how to do and that’s why I get fired now but then it was the first band I could just play drums. And what a difference to be able to just move away from the microphone because we didn’t have headset microphones then so you always like (head cocked to the side) this or you’re like this (head stuck to front) and you’re doing this. I used to sing backgrounds a lot and that’s where you are. So that was my first time not to have that and it was strange."
After passing along an email I received from George Lewis in 2006, John was able to reunited with him. Christopher J Quinn passed away in December 2011 in Hemet, California.
George Lewis - guitar and vocals
Christopher Quinn - keyboards and vocals
John Cowsill - drums
James Seyster - (instrument unknown - James posted on Facebook he was part of this band)