All I Wanna Be Is Me Billboard November 27, 1965
First Family Of Music Billboard Dec 2, 1967
Hit The Road Cashbox 9/16/67 Billboard Sept 16, 1967
TV Watcher Billboard Nov 23, 1968 Record World Magazine November 23, 1968
The Cowsills Billboard Sept 9, 1967

Ampex Billboard Magazine January 17, 1968
In Need Of A Friend Billboard March 9, 1968
Indian Lake Cashbox Magazine 5/18/68
We Can Fly Record World January 8, 1968 also Billboard January 6, 1968
Thank You printed in Cashbox Mag 12/28/68

Merry Christmas Record World October 29, 1968

Merry Christmas Billboard - Who's Who In The World Of Music 1969
Billboard 1969
Billboard Magazine 1969
Poor Baby
In Concert Billboard May 17, 1969
The Prophecy of Daniel and John The Divine Billboard May 31, 1969 Click here for more info
Path Of Love Cashbox October 26, 1968
Silver Threads and Golden Needles Billboard October 3, 1969
On My Side Billboard April 3, 1971
On My Side Billboard March 13, 1971
Music Scene
Covered Wagon Cashbox February 12, 1972
The Cowsills Record World November 23, 1968
TV Appearances
The Cowsills Have The Action Record World May 17, 1969
The Cowsills Let Their Hair Up Billboard March 1, 1969
Leonard Stogel and Assoc.
Neil Reshen
We're merchandising licensing The Cowsills! Cash Box November 4, 1967
Wonder World of Pizzazz
Wonder World of Pizzazz
In Concert Ad from Flip July 1969
Soundblast '66 Ad Go Magazine June 10, 1966
World Record Ad July 19, 1969
Candy Kid Cashbox November 23, 1968
Thank You Cashbox November 23, 1968
BMI Cashbox June 14, 1969
Cashbox July 5, 1969
Cashbox July 5, 1969 Record World April 26, 1969
Cashbox May 17, 1969
Hullabaloo Magazine 1968
Hear & See Cash Box 3/22/69
Neil Reshen
We Can Fly Promo - Japan
Click here for a closer look
Click here for a closer look
From Billboard: The Cowsills are following their chart excursion on "Indian Lake" with "Poor Baby" (K-13981), a sure shot successor to their three previous Top 10 singles on MGM. Their latest MGM album, " Captain Sad and His Ship of Fools" (SE-4554), finds the group sailing into significant new musical dimensions - and going full-steam-ahead up the album charts again.
Louis Polk, second from right, president of MGM Inc, Presents a gold record award to MGM Records' group, the Cowsills signifing the one million records sold of their recording of "Hair". With Polk, left to right are Lenny Schear, director of marketing, Benjamin, executive vice present of MGM Inc, Tom White director of business affairs for MGM Records, the Cowsills family and Sy Lekter, head of MGM Records.
From Billboard: Following a sensational two weeks at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas, those fabulous Cowsills are moving into high gear as the record issued with a new smash single "II x II" (K 15757). Watch for super smart and sales action with the Cowsills new "II x II" album (SE 4639) is released in a few weeks on MGM Records.
Alvin Davis music director and air personality of KLEO in Wichita, Kan., recieved a plaque from The Cowsills for helping break their "Hair" single hit on MGM Records.
COWSILLS-HOFNER endorsement contract signing is celebrated by handshakes. Seen, from left, are Ralph Oliver, promotion manager for Sorkin Music Co., Inc., national distributors for the Hofner line of guitars and amplifiers; Zach Glickman, manager of the Cowsills and Harold Sorkin, Sorkin Music Co.
The Rain, The Park ad from the UK
We Can Fly Ad February 10, 1968 Melody Maker - British music paper

We Can Fly Ad Record Mirror February 2, 1968

We Can Fly Record Mirror February 17, 1968
We Can Fly Ad New Musical Express February 3, 1968
Fan Club Add Hullabaloo Magazine Jan/Feb 1968
In Need Ad From 1968 British music paper New Musical Express
Indian Lake Ad June 22, 1968 British music paper New Musical Express
Indian Lake Ad March 8, 1968
In Need Of A Friend New Music Express April 12, 1968
New Music Express October 12, 1968
Record World December 28, 1968
Billboard January 27, 1968
Billboard January 27, 1968
Billboard March 23, 1968
Billboard April 26, 1969
Billboard November 09, 1968
Shure Microphone Ad
Ad including Cowsill Poster
Better Day at Tower Records Ad Offbeat June 2001
Kraft Music Hall TV Guide December 24, 1969
Ad including Susan's Lighthouse March 2010
Beach Boys Flyer Stamford Connecticut Summer 2010 Alive Five August 4, 2010
Cowsills at the Flamingo Fabulous Las Vegas Magazine January 31, 1970 & February 7, 1970
Promo Ad Fabulous Las Vegas Magazine March 1, 1969
Promo Ad Fabulous Las Vegas Magazine March 8, 1969
Captain Sad Cashbox Magazine August 24, 1968
The Cowsills First Tour Go Magazine September 8, 1967
MGM Ad including The Cowsills TV Guide
Hollywood Reporter November 26, 1968
Cashbox July 6, 1968
Crazy Horse Campground Trailer Life Magazine 1971
Billboard Magazine ". . . Recent million selling singles by the Fifth Dimension ("Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In") and the Cowsills ("Hair"). May 24, 1969
Setonian Magazine November 2017
Resident Magazine November 2017
Wes Ferrell Cashbox December28, 1968
Cashbox Magazine December 23, 1967
WAG Magazine November 2016
San Remo Cashbox Magazine February 3, 1968
Record World April 11, 1970
Record World July 27, 1968
Spring Guide February 15, 2018
Hippo Magazine September 4-10, 2014
Unwind Magazine 2016
Way Magazine January 2016
Billboard Magazine February 8, 1992
The Parrot Magazine Port Charlotte, Florida May 2015
Sunseeker Magazine Jaqnuary 2020
Shure Microphones Magazine Unknown October 30, 1969
IFA Agency Billboard Magazine March 25, 1972
South Bay Neighbor Amityville/Copiague, New York June 26, 2013
Billy and Trainwreck Discorder Magazine March 1, 1985
TV Guide Detroit Edition Detroit, Michigan March 1968

Billboard's Campus Attractions Magazine March 27, 1971
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Billboard's Who's Who December 30, 1967
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The Local Buzz Magazine Port St. Lucie, Florida June/July 2007
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Missouri State Fair Sedalia, Missouri August 13, 2015

Dallas Magazine September 1968

Nebraska Magazine August 1971

ROctober Magazine Summer 1995

Billboard Magazine March 28, 1970

Seventeen Magazine December 1968

Edmonton Folk Festival Edmonton, Canada August 2002

Edmonton Folk Festival Edmonton, Canada August 2003

Billboard Magazine August 19, 1972

Record World Magazine December 7, 1968

Stogel Associates Ad Billboard Magazine

Boston Phoenix February 4, 1993

Sick Magazine February 1970

Playbill for Prime Of Miss Jean Brody 1969

Playbill for Carousel 1970

Nashville Scene Magazine May 26, 2022

Shure Microphone Ad Vibraciones Magazine November 1974

Billy and The Co-Dependents See Magazine April 10, 2003

Billy and The Co-Dependents See Magazine April 10, 2003

Billy and The Co-Dependents See Magazine March 21, 2002

Billy and The Co-Dependents See Magazine April 3, 2003

Las Vegas Magazine January 8, 2023

Billy and the Co-Dependents See Magazine September 14, 1995

Blue Shadows Vue Weekly Art Magazine September 21-28, 1995

Billy and Friends Vue Weekly Art Magazine July 4, 1996

Billy and the Co-Dependents See Magazine August 31, 2000

Billy and the Co-Dependents See Magazine July 4, 2002

Billy on Megatunes Charts Vue Weekly Art Magazine January 13-19, 2005

Billy on Megatunes Charts Vue Weekly Art Magazine March 31 - April 6, 2005

Billy on Megatunes Charts Vue Weekly Art Magazine April 7-13, 2005

Billy on Megatunes Charts Vue Weekly Art Magazine April 14-20, 2005

Billy on Megatunes Charts Vue Weekly Art Magazine April 21-27, 2005

Billy on Megatunes Charts Vue Weekly Art Magazine April 28 - May 4, 2005

Billy and The Co-Dependents Vue Weekly Art Magazine March 30, 2006

Where Y'at Magazine March 2025