NEW GROUP: Q. Could you give us the low-down on that new group, The Cowsills? M.N., Birmingham.
A. There are an awful lot of Cowsills: four sing all the time, one sings some of the time, and four others don't sing at all. It goes like this - there's Father, Bud Cowsill, a retired Navy man who manages everything: Mother is Barbara, 39, who wears mini skirts and sings if they need her voice for harmony. Then comes the quartet - Bill, 19; Bob, 18; Barry, 13; and John, 11. In addition, there are the road managers, Dick and Paul, and last but not least, the Cowsill baby and only daughter, little Susan. Home is a crazy dilapidated mansion in Newport, Rhode Island. But things are sure to improve now that their first single, "The Rain, The Park, & Other Things," is way up on the charts.