Newspaper Articles

Jan and Dean Surfer Music Duo Makes A Few Waves in China
October 4, 1987
Tulsa World
Tulsa, Oklahoma

Some things, no matter how you try to put them together, just don't seem to fit. The combination seems too unusual, too unlikely, too out-of-left-field.

Take, on the one hand, last winter's riots in the People's Republic of China, where students rallied in support of more democracy, and, on the other hand, veteran rock 'n' rollers, Jan and Dean, . . .

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Eventually, Hollingsworth contacted Berry and Jan and Dean started performing with Dean's band, the Bel-Air Bandits (which currently includes drummer John Cowsill, formerly of the '60s band the Cowsills).

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Concert: Jan and Dean and the Bel-Air Bandits
Dates and Times: Sunday 4 p.m. and 9 p.m. and Monday, 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m
Place: Coors Cabaret Theater, Tulsa State Fair

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