Newspaper Articles

The Great Western Orchestra Centerfire/CBS Associated - 4 stars
September 23, 1989
The Vancouver Sun
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

The Canadian rock renaissance has tended to overshadow the numerous excellent Canadian country records that are cropping up on the shelves. Alberta’s Great Western Orchestra rank up there with Prairie Oyster and Ian Tyson at the top of the Maple Music cowpoke heap; their debut is an intoxicating blend of country folk, and swing, Billy Cowsill’s slow drawling, Vagabond, gets things off to a fine start – Cindy Church renders Cowsill’s unforgettable lyric of a drifter with heartfelt emotion and a classic old time vocal style. David Wilkie’s updating of super cowgal mythology Wind Out In Reno, is light and hilarious, while Church shines one more on the lilting, beautiful Ride On. Just a great record: with any breaks, they could become one of the leading lights in the new traditionalist movement. Now, if only somebody would give Billy Cowsill (and/or the great Herald Nix) a record deal.

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