FOUND: The World’s Most Understand Mom.
You get a little rock group together and start to practice. And say the drummer gets a little nosy now and then. What would the average mother do?
Mrs. Barbara Cowsill joins in. (She’s got a mighty sweet voice.)
“I HAD to. They were practicing right there in the living room. And I couldn’t send them home. They were home,” said Mrs. Cowsill, a mother of seven.
The Cowsills of Newport, R.I. don’t need to practice now.
Their MGM record, “The Rain, the Park and Other Things,” spurted up 42 places on national charts in one week and is No. 11 on WHK.
Tomorrow the Cowsill charmers will be on Herman Spero’s Upbeat Show, WEWS-TV. Oct 29 they’ll be on the Ed Sullivan Show, Channel 8.
LAST WEEK the Cowsill clan – Bill, 19; twins Bob and Dick, 18; Paul, 15; Barry, 13; John 11; Susan, 8 ˝ (don’t leave that ˝ out!) and Mom and Pop, Mr. and Mrs. William (Bud) Cowsill – sat around a table at the rear of a roarin’ party at the Theatrical Grille.
Bob plays lead guitar; Barry bass; Joh, drums. Susie and Mom sing. Dick and Paul handle the staging and equipment.
The family lived in Canton nine years ago when Mrs. Cowsill was a Navy recruiter.
Is Cowsill their real name?
“I’ll say. It’s English as fish and chips. And who would ever CHOOSE a name like that?” asked Mrs. Cowsill.
“Hey, we’re on@” yelled Bob. The troupe did a set of 15 songs that showed 500 people that the Cowsills can do everything from country and western to folk, ballad, rock and soul.
“They’re simply great!” said Hal “Baby” Moore, WHK music director.