Newspaper Articles

The Family That Plays Together
December 11, 1970
The Glasgow Times
Glasgow, Kentucky

Photo Feature by Jimmy Lowe

The William Cowsill family from Los Angeles, California spent the Thanksgiving holiday in Louisville, Kentucky. They met with several friends in Convention Center.

The above may seen like a note from the society page. Actually, this family came to Louisville on business. Record fans will associate the name Cowsill with a string of MGM hits: "We Can Fly," "Indian Lake," "The Rain, The Park and Other Things," and a group of others. The Cowsills are now on the London label, and although they haven't had a big hit in the last year, they are still recording pop records and making personal appearances.

There are several members in this Catholic family and they have all sang in the group at some time or another. The current pereformers are brothers, Paul, Bob, John, Bill, sister, Susan and Mom, Barbara. Dad Cowsill is the ceative producer of the group and makes all the trips with his family.

During their performance the brothers made a lot of jokes about their large family. "Dad isnt' in the band because he has no sense of rhythm." or "Paul is th affectional one of the boys -- he takes after Dad." And "Mom doesn't sing ALL the time."

The Cowsills combined their trademark songs with hits from other performers. They imitated everyone from Johnny Cash to the Beatles. One of the highlights was Susan's version of Claudine Longet's song "Hello, Hello." Mom was only onstage for the first four nnumbers. "My bag's folk," she said and her "The Cruel War" proved her to be right. She didn't sing with the siblings on such swingers as "Hair." (Mom's most unfavorite song.)

The "crowd" at Louisville could hardly be called that. A better term would be a "small gathering." It seemed that everyone must have been having Thanksgiving dinnere -- which was probably better than the concert, depending on the size of the turkey and what there was to drink.





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