Newspaper Articles

Front Row Center
August 14, 1969
The Evansville Courier
Evansville, Indiana

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The big event for Sunday is a special afternoon performance (DuQuoin Fair) by the popular family rock group, the Cowsills. All advance ticket sales profits will go to the renovation of DuQuoin's Teen Center, a facility promoted by Mike Lee. The City given its teens an empty building for the center.

For Furnishings

"What we have now," says Carol, "is walls, floor and ceiling. What we'd like to add are a few games and some equipment we can use to attract young people - maybe even some decorations and furnishings."

The Cowsills 2:30 p.m. show will be the day's major event, but Rick and Mike assure potential visitors that there; be other events going on most of the day. Of course, they're hoping everyone will plan on the Cowsills show, for this is where their Teen Center will benefit.

"There's plenty to eat, plenty to see and plenty to do," says Mike.

"And there's a grand water ski show that starts at noon on the big lagoon - free," adds Rick.

Bands Will Battle

Immediately following the Cowsills program, there'll be a jamboree affair - a battle of the bands - in the teen center at the fairgrounds. . . .

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