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The show opens with Newton singing "Christmas Journey." The host introduces Charles Dickens (played by Christopher Hewett), who exchanges banter with Newton during the show as the guests are greeted. Miss Budd sings "My Favorite Things" and, with Newton, "Winter Wonderland." The Cowsills offer "Silver Bells" and Jingle Bell Rock" and are followed by Wild in a production of "Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band."
Newton, The Cowsills, Miss Budd and Wild take the stage for a medley of tunes from the movie musical "Oliver!" in which Wild starred as the Artful Dodger in the adaption of Dicken's "Oliver Twist." The songs include "Consider Yorself" sung by Newton, Wild and The Cowsills; "Who Will Buy," Susan Cowsill and Miss Budd; "As Long As She Needs Me," Newton; "I'd Do Anything," Susan and Wild; "Pick a Pocket," Wild and the Cowsills; "Where Is Love," Newton and Miss Budd, and a reprise of "Consider Yourself."
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