Newspaper Articles

50 Years Ago: The Cowsills peform at CYC
April 27, 2018
The Times-Tribune
Scraton, Pennsylvania



Milk on the rise

The state Milk Control Commission announced that the price of milk would increase May 1. The price change would affect the Scranton, Philadelphia, Schuylkill County, Williamsport and Sayre-Athens areas.

In the Scranton area, milk would increase from 30 cents to 31½ cents for a quart, 58 to 60 cents for half gallon and $1.08 to $1.12 for gallon.

The commission said the increase was needed because of labor costs and federally mandated support for farmers.

Officials with Louden Hill Farm in Susquehanna County announced they would challenge the milk price increase order.

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