Newspaper Articles

Name of the Game Was Fun on Both Sides of the Charles
Things Were Really Swinging on Sunny Sunday
June 2, 1969
Boston Herald
Boston, Massachusetts


Providing the Sound for teh thousands on the Esplanade yesterday was the lively Cowsill family. Phot by Harry Trask.


A huge audience enjoys the sun and the sound yesterday at the Hatch Memorial Shell on the Esplanade.

It was the swingingest sunny Sunday in a long time.

Ideal weather and lively music lured an estimated 25,000 people to the Esplanade. MDC Police said it was one of the largest crowds ever to assemble there on the lush banks of the Charles River.

And over on the Cambridge Common several thousand young people – including hundreds of strangely attired hippies – enjoyed their regular Sunday afternoon session of modern musical sound.

AT BOTH SCENES, young people predominated.

But among the Esplanade throng there also were thousands of family folk – mothers and fathers with their children and gray-haired grandmothers seen tapping their toes to the “now” beat of the popular group, The Cowsills.

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