Gustine - "Everything tastes better with butter" point of sales item were shown to members of the American Dairy Association of California, district 6, as they met at their annual business meeting Wednesday night, in Gustine.
In other items to be used in the 1969 program the group viewed television commercials featuring the "Energetics" and the "Cowsills". Also previews of magazine ads and radio commercials were presented by state ADA Manager, Gordon Ruhl.
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The magazine ads in the new program are to be in the language of the youth using the "Cowsills" in the many youth magazines contracted. The adult magazines will feature a different layout, some asking the question "Are our children becoming 'popaholics'?"
Also planned for the spring will be a series of clinics for managers of grocery stores to help them set up their dairy cases in a manner that will help increase the grocers profit.
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