The Cowsills, popular recording artists, will appear in concert with folk-rock duo Maffitt and Davies to climax activities on Parents’ Day, October 3, at Kansas State University.
The Cowsills a group consisting of five youthful members of the Cowsill family, has recorded six albums to date. The group first attained national fame in 1967 with the first million-seller, “The Rain, the Park, and Other Things,” and their first album, “The Cowsills.” Since then, they have appeared on several televisions programs and have had numerous hits, including “Indian Lake” and “Hair.”
Appearing along with the Cowsills will be one of the popular folk-rock groups touring the campus circuit, Maffitt and Davies. Rather than relying on electronic and artificially creating sound, guitarists Clark Maffitt and Brian Davies product acoustic sound, with rich vocalizing.
“They are somewhat like Simon and Garfunkel, but with a distinctly creative signature of their own,” according to Steve Hermes, adviser to the Campus Entertainment Committee at KSU. The duo has toured campuses throughout the nation, including a performance at K-state three years ago, and has cut one album.
The two groups will perform for K-State students and parents at 7:30 p.m. in Ahearn Fieldhouse on Parents’ Day, October 3. Mail order forms have been distributed to all living groups on campus to facilitate parents in ordering tickets in advance said Gary Sebelius, chairman of Campus Entertainment. The $2.50 and $3 tickets are also available at Conde’s Music Store in Manhattan, the K-State Union ticket office (Forum Hall) Fort Riley, and Gibson’s in junction City. Tickets also will be sold at the door the night of the performance.
All students should get in touch with their parents and urge them to attend the concert, says Sebellus, who thinks the entertainment will prove to be “one of the best.”