Newspaper Articles

Beach Boys reunion ensemble a Wall of Sound
April 26, 2012
Montgomery Advertiser
Montgomery, Alabama

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And it wasn’t just historic. It was great, with 10 additional musicians fleshing out the Wall of Sound, some drawn from Brian Wilson’s touring band, the others drawn from mike Love’s latest version of the Beach Boys, with John Cowsill – of the Cowsills! – pounding out the beat with the enthusiasm beats like that deserve.

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After setting the tone with a recording of “I’m Always Chasing Rainbows” by Wilson’s heroes, the Four Freshman, Cowsill kicked things off with the unmistakable intro of “Do It Again.” It was the perfect way to start the show: “Well, I’ve been thinkin’ ‘bout all the places we’ve surfed and danced and all the faces we’ve missed so let’s get back together and do it again.”

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