Newspaper Articles

Jim is a Leader
February 10, 1970
New Castle News
New Castle, Indiana

(Ed note: I don't believe any song written by this gentleman ever was recorded by the Cowsills or at least it isn't on any record/CD.)

"The New Generation," as it was once called has a lot going for it, including a 19-year-old leader named Jim. ...

Jim, alias James Edward Pritchard, Jr., the leader of a singing group once called "The New Generation," might have felt the same way a year ago, but since then his favorite singing group, "The Cowsills," has bought one of his songs, and his attitudes has changed completely.

A short time ago, he submitted five of his songs to the group and within a week they had written back asking to buy the first rights to "Hey Baby, What's Happening Here." The song one of 24 which Jim has written in the last two years, may soon be released by "The Cowsills."

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Just three months ago, Jim and his fourteen year-old brother, who Jim describes as the "best guitar player ever," formed "The Music Expressed Syndicate, underwhich they wrote to "The Cowsills."

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He says he plans to use the money "The Cowsills" paid him to pay for college - he is a freshman journalism major at the Pennsylvania State University in Sharon.

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