Newspaper Articles

That Ain't Bull It's Dairy Time On Common!
June 2, 1969
Boston Record American
Boston, Massachusetts

Roll out the milk bottles and cottage cheese - the bright wholesome month of June is busting out all over as official "Dairy Month."

And if there is any question about how to properly celebrate the occasion, stop by the Boston Common any time during this week. The 14th annual Dairy Festival has pitched its tent there through June 7.

Ye Old Boston Common, by the way, was designated as a field for feeding cattle in 1634 by Massachusetts Bay Governor John Winthrop. During the folksy Dairy Festival, it has reverted back to the happy grazing grounds for contented cows.

Studded with music, entertainment, cows ambling casually through panicky clusters of pigeons, free milk and pleasing events, the festival’s grand opening Saturday included square dancing and a display of Holsteins, Ayrshires, Brown Swiss and Jersey cows. Yesterday was Cowsills Day.

Reportedly a 12-quarts-a-day milk drinking family, the pop singing Cowsills provided cheery serenades for milking audience and milking cows.

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