Newspaper Articles

'Impossible Year'? - Not For Cowsills
December 31, 1967
Daily Illinois State Journal
Springfield, Illinois

The Cowsill, America’s No. 1 disk family right now, have been signed to sing the title song, “The Impossible Years,” for MGM’s screen adaptation of the hit Broadway comedy, which is now before the cameras in Hollywood.

It is the climax of what must have seemed an “impossible year” to the talented Rhode Island mother-daughter-and-sons singing team. Twelve months ago, the Cowsills clustered in front of the fireplace in their big, old home and burned their furniture to keep warm. They looked forward to the New Year with just one thing – their talent. While they had faith in themselves it seemed no one else did and it looked like they were about to lose the home they loved.

Then “Santa Claus” came along in the persons of Lenny and Myrna Stogel, a talent management team. They put them in touch with producer-writer Artie cornfield and took over their personal management. Kornfeld took them to MGM Records where they recorded his “The Rain, the Park and Other Things.” The debut disk became the No. 1 recording, plus an all-out promotional effort by MGM, here are some of the “”other things” that have happen to the Cowsills: Bill and Bob Cowsill, the song-writing brother, have been signed as producers and will hand all future recordings of the family. Both boys are under age 20!; a projected tv series is in the works. So is a European trip and so are nine more appearances on the Ed Sullivan Show.

This is a real rags-to-riches story. It may sound like a press agent’s dream but it is an honest-to-goodness Christmas story. What a difference a year makes – an impossible year that is – one in which a “hit” kept the Cowsills from “missing” the wonderful Christmas that is theirs this year.

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