Newspaper Articles

Cub Scout Leaders Finish Basic Course
February 13, 1958
The Newport Mercury and Weekly News
Newport, Rhode Island

A basic training course for Cub Scout leaders, committeemen and den mothers was completed last night at the Clarke Street Hall. James T. M. Pearson Jr. cubmaster of Pack 1, Portsmouth, was the instructor. Twenty-fine enrollees completed the three-session course, of whom several will assist with the leadership of the new St. Joseph's Church Cub Pack, of which Paul M. Leary is cubmaster.

. . .

Those who completed the course are .... Barbara Cowsill ...

Bill Cowsill and Gus Rosacker finished the first half of the program with "Sailor's Lament" and "Cool Clear Water", and as an encore, a humorous ditty which brought roars from the crowd.

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