Newspaper Articles

Blue Shadows bliss
June 5, 2010
Calgarey Herald
Calgary, Alberta

Re: “Heavenly; Reissue gives Blue Shadows their due,” Heath McCoy Review, June 1.

I enjoyed Heath McCoy’s article in regards to the reissue of the Blue Shadows’ On The Floor Of Heaven. This album (OK, in my day they were albums) is an absolutely great piece of musical work by a group that few people have ever heard about. The harmonies between Billy Cowsill and Jeffrey Hatcher are incredible, as is the music which blends many flavours and influences, as McCoy alluded to. It is great to see such wonderful music get some ink and notoriety. On The Floor of Heaven has been a staple of my musical diet for many years. It is quality music that stands the test of time. I can’t wait to hear the reissue version. Perhaps McCoy’s review might lead to more people discovering the Blue Shadows and their music.

Michael Johnson, Calgary

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