Newspaper Articles

A passion for pop
Gradeschool teacher interviews famous music acts for radio show at night
by Art Schwantz
January 26, 2014
Hudson Reporter
Hudson County, New Jersey

The Cowsills

It all started with quintuple open-heart bypass surgery. Eighth-grade teacher Steven Ludwig underwent the operation in 2006, prompting him to create a “bucket list” of things he'd always wanted to do or achieve.

Ultimately, that led to Ludwig becoming a DJ specializing in pop culture and nostalgia, appearing weekly on internet radio with many of his favorite music idols from the past.

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With Ginzburg’s connections, Ludwig arranged to record his debut program. “Bob Cowsill was my very first guest,” Ludwig said, referring to the singer-guitarist from the 1960s pop-star clan that was reportedly the inspiration for The Partridge Family. “I’ve always been a Cowsills fan so I googled Bob and sent him an e-mail. The Cowsills actually played at dances in North Bergen High School before they hit it big. We share a mutual friend in Ira Wolfe, a recently retired phys ed teacher at North Bergen High, so that was our connection. Bob immediately said he’d love to be a guest.”

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