(Note: Nanci's name is not spelled correct in this article.)
On June 6 of this summer Bob Cowsill and his steady girlfriend of over two years, Nancy, became Mr. and Mrs, Robert Cowsill in a beautiful ceremony that included most of both of their large families.
A few days before the wedding we asked Bob to give us his thoughts on his life, past, present, and future during this important period in his life.
"Looking back over my life, I have a lot of good memories. I think the happiest periods of my life, up until now, were high school and all the years I spent in Little League. I started playing baseball when I was about seven and I really loved it.
"And high school was fun. High school nowadays is different. I got in on the tail end of the era of school spirit and football and baseball, and I kind of had a good time in high school. It was more a social life to me than academic. I did well in studies, but it was kind of easy, so I just had a ball.
"I don't think there's ever been a period in my life when I wasn't happy. My mom told me I was a miserable baby, so maybe I didn't like that, but I don't remember!
"I suppose there'll be changes in me now but I don't know what they'll be. I'll just wait and see. I know I'll have to divide my time more, between the group and my wife. But the group will go on—I can't see me quitting it. That would be dumb, if you ask me.
"I suppose it'll be a little weird at first. This will be the first time I've ever lived anywhere except with my family. The biggest change I think will be the silence, with just one person in the house. Nancy comes from a big family too, so she'll probably feel the same thing. I guess we'll talk a lot.
"I met Nancy over two years ago in French class at college. I was a new student and I saw her walk in and she didn't impress me at all. It wasn't that I didn't or did like her—she just didn't affect me at all.
"I heard her talking about ranches and her father's airplane and I thought, oh, this has got to be typical Hollywood. I was straight out of Newport, Rhode Island. So I just didn't pay any attention to her.
"Between my French class and my math class I had three hours and home was a 40 minute drive so it wasn't worth it to go home, so I just hung around Hollywood and ate lunch and walked around. At first it was all right, but after about three days it got to be a drag. Anyway, on the third day she came driving by in her little Triumph and she asked me if I wanted to go home with her. I guess I looked kind of dumb walking around the street. So I said OK. So we went to her house and had lunch and we didn't talk much then.
"After that I went to her house every day for lunch and I found out she was pretty neat. You might say she picked me up off the street. And then we got engaged last Christmas. And the wedding is June 6, and then we're going to the Bahamas for two weeks for our honeymoon. When we get back I only have five days to rehearse and then we go on the road for all summer. I'm going to take her with me this time on the road, so she'll know what it's like—you can't really tell anyone what it's like on the road. Then after that she probably won't go sometimes. She'll go on the long tours, like we're going to South Africa for all of January and she'll go then, but she probably won't go on the short tours.
"I guess all I can say right now is that I'm really very happy."