Barry Cowsill gets a lot of kissing practice in the course of a day. There's his mother, his sister, his sister-in-law, his fans, his girlfriends, etc. So it's no wonder he's developed quite a kissing technique...
"There are different kinds of kisses you give different people," Barry said. "The kind of kiss I give Susie, for instance, is special. It's the no-kiss. That is, I don't kiss her if I can possibly avoid it!" Barry laughed and continued. "The feeling is mutual, by the way. Susie runs every time I come near her."
Barry's Mom and his other relatives get only a slightly warmer version of Susie's kind of kiss. Since Barry can't absolutely refuse to kiss them (hello, good-bye, happy birthday. Merry Christmas, etc.), he submits. But a peck is all they can expect to get.
"Sometimes Mom gets a better kiss," Barry confided. "But that's only when nobody else is looking. I can live without audiences during moments like that."
What about his fans and girlfriends? That's another story ...
"Fans are nice to kiss," Barry said, "as long as they don't get rough. And
girlfriends? Well, they're nice, too. They're probably the nicest, in fact. Kissing them is just like kissing Mom in one respect—I don't like an audience around! But that's where the similarity ends! Good thing, too," he laughed.