Take twenty-four hours in the life of The Cowsills and what happens? By sunlight or moonlight, there's always excitement! F'rinstnace ...
DURING THE DAY, you're in school - working, studying, lugging around books and learning. During the night, it's -- play-time-- with dancing, talking on the telephone, watching TV, dating and having fun. You might say the difference between your day life and your night life is like day and night!
Same's true for The Cowsills. They live one kind of life during the day ... quite another when night falls. And now that the family is definately established in their new California home and surroundings, both lives are much different from the way they'd ever been before!
We did a little investigating (even a little spying) and found out what The Cowsills do and how they live by day and by night. See how it compares to your day and night activities ...
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The Cowsill clan, all smiles and happiness, lines up for a shot!
Now that The Cowsills are firmly established in their permanent home in California, most of their days are spent in the great outdoors. The boys, Susie and even Mom and Dad are sporting great tans - a luxury they just couldn't have when they lived in New York or Rhode Island.
Barry said, "We spend s much time on the beach as we can. And some of us have even gotten up enough courage to try surfing. I'm not very good at it - yet - but I'm trying awfully hard. And I've got to admit it's a lot of fun."
Of course, schooling takes up a good part of the day for the younger members of the family. Barbara and Bud are firmly convinced that no matter what kind of show business future their children have, they can't neglect their studies!
"It's hard going to school in California, though," Johnny admitted with a smile. "The sun shines all day almost every day. . .and who can listen to a teacher or concentrate on a book with that going on?"
And we mustn't forget The Cowsills' work load. Although these days a lot of groups have chosen to do their rehearsing and recording at night, The Cowsills, because of their ages, still stick to a daytime schedule.
"I can't see keeping the younger kids up until all hours in a recording studio," Barbara confided. "So we work on our rehearsing and recording during the day..
All in all, The Cowsills manage to keep quite busy during the day. There are business meetings to attend, negotiations to negotiate, bookings to see to, studying to do, phone calls to make and receive, sun, sand and surf to take advantage of and fun to have. And that's what The Cowsills do by day.
When the sun goes down, The Cowsills' lives change quite a bit. But one thing remains the same. . . and that's the idea of having fun.
Bob said, "We're doing a lot more dating here than we used to do on the East Coast. I'm not sure why. Maybe there's just something in the air that makes us want to go out more. Maybe it's the girls—WOW!"
Whatever the reason, the male members of The Cowsill clan are having the time of their lives. With their lucky dates, they go to the movies, to the little discos (and some of the big ones, too), to parties given by their friends, to the beach for moonlight swims and to Sunset Strip for some sight-seeing.
Paul said, "We've been most every place tourists usually go in California. Disneyland was my favorite and I think the others liked it best, too. It's really great at night, when everything's all lit up. I think I could move in there and live. It's the greatest."
With all the fun, all the excitement, all the adventure of being a Cowsill, it's no wonder that they sometimes need to have a rest.
As Barbara put it, "Some nights we're so tired, we just about have enough energy to make it to bed! But," she smiled, "we enjoy ourselves most of the time. We're happy. And that's what really counts."