The Sound of Music
By Kathleen Powers
Jersey City, N.J.
In Newport stand a gorgeous home,
Complete in every way.
A singing family lives within -
The brightest sound today.
Their music is delightful,
And I'm sure you will agree,
So come along as I recall
The Cowsill family tree.
To Bud and Barb their first was born -
The Cowsills had a boy.
They named him Bill, and he became
His parents' pride and joy.
But soon 'twas mass confusion,
For the twins had entered too.
Yes, Bob and Dick have come to join
The merry Cowsill crew!
Well, "Mini-Mom" was on the go,
She had no time to rest;
With three small boys to care for now,
She did her very best.
And once again their family grew,
They had increased one more.
When Paul arrived to join the rest
He made the brothers - four!
Who's next to join their happy cast?
Well, Barry filled the spot.
My goodness, what a family -
Five boys is quite a lot!
However, soon another came.
He was the sixth-born son.
His name was John, and after him
The reign of boys was done.
For then the joy they'd waited for,
A precious little pearl:
Her name was Susie - yes, at last,
The Cowsills had a girl!
Their singing is harmonious,
Their records number one.
They're tired - yes, but happy too,
When every day is done.
Their great big home in Newport,
Right along the eastern coast,
Is filled with love - and to the Cowsills,
That's what means the most!