So many people think that because a person gets lucky enough to become successful in show business, he just stops being like everyone else is deep in their heart. They think that because • he's surrounded by bright lights and beautiful people all the time, he stops being lonely for someone very special and close that he can talk to and confide his innermost secrets to. They think, I guess, that when you become a star, you somehow stop being human!
Well, babe, let me tell you, it just isn't so. And I'm the best proof of it. I guess you could say that at heart I'm really a very affectionate person. I like people around me who are kind, who like to have lots of love in their lives, and who are generous in showing it. I guess I've turned out that way because that's the way our family is to one another. Sure, we guys will have a tussle or two over some silly thing once in a while, but that's just boy stuff that doesn't really mean anything! When it comes to real family closeness, we Cowsills have been very lucky and loving!
But there comes a time in everyone's life when they want something more than family love. Maybe you've come to that stage in your life, and if you
have, I'm sure you know exactly what I mean. It's as though there comes need in your heart not only for the wonderfulness of a very Precious Love for your own happiness, but the very real wanting to give that same Special Love to someone else. It's what I call the Search for True Love, and I believe with all my heart that it's the treasure of life that every person really wants most.
But how do you find it? You can't just say to yourself: "Okay, I'm going to force myself to feel True Love for this or that person, just because you know them and they're handy. You can't do that to yourself any more than you can force someone else to fall in True Love with you if their heart isn't really in it.
True Love is something that has to happen to you. It has to come into you life all by itself, without you doing anything more to help it than saying "Hi" and "Okay" to the Right Person in the Right Place at just the Right Moment. From then on, it will do it groovy thing without your having to plan or plot a thing. That's the way True Love is, at least so I'm told. You see, I can't really say I know that's the way it is. It's never happened to me... except once, almost.