To look at them clowning around on a rooftop or wearing wild costumes in their "Hair" performance, the Cowsills appear happy but maybe a little zany. Actually, the entire group is down-to-earth, hard-working, close tribe, with Mama Barbara running the housekeeping end. Of course, now that Paul is married, the brood is somewhat smaller, but not so you'd really notice. During the week, the younger children attend school and Bob's at Jr. College, in Santa Monica, the Cowsills' present home. Since Bud's days in the service, the family has moved around a lot. Maybe because of this, they are all really very close and self-sufficient. Watch for them on TV soon.

Abandoning the clean-cut look of the song by Susan at right, the group let go in a "Hair" segment on an NBC special this Spring. Rumor has it that they're looking for a series.