JOHN COWSILL Until recently, a kiss to me was something to be avoided at all cost, but within the last several months, well - a complete change has come over your boy John Cowsill! I am not the little tease I used to be. Since my whole attitude toward girls has changed so drastically, my feeling about a kiss has also changed. Now I realize the value of a kiss. So far, I haven't kissed a girl in exactly the way a kiss should be. It's strange, but I'm a little afraid. It's like revealing a lot of yourself to someone else and trusting them to understand.

BARRY COWSILL At this time in my life, I don't feel very serious about kissing. It isn't that I'm not aware of what a kiss means and how important it is - it's just that I don't feel I'm ready for it yet. At present, I am satisfied to do my kissing in a "kiddin' around" way! Deep inside, I have a great sense of responsibility towards girls. I don't want to go to a girl and offer my kiss and my love until I feel that I am mature enough to take on the responsibility of sharing my love with her.