Bud Cowsill, the father of this happy singing bunch, is the person responsible for getting the family involved in music. For 20 years he was in the Navy and did quite a bit of traveling. Each time he came home, he brought a new and different musical instrument for the kids. Before long, there was a Cowsill trio, then a Cowsill quartet, and so on until the whole family was involved in some way. Then in 1967, and once again under Papa Bud Cowsill's direction, the family exploded on the national charts with their first MGM release, 'The Rain, The Park And Other Things." The presently performing Cowsill clan consists of Bob, born on August 6, 1949, Paul, born on November 11, 1952, Barry, born on September 14, 1954, John, born on March 2, 1956 and Susan, born on May 21, 1959. Bob does most of the group's production and song-writing, and he also plays guitar. Paul, who originally helped his dad on the managing end, now plays organ and piano and does a good deal of composing, too. Barry, who was the family's first drummer, has switched to bass guitar, leaving the percussion section in the capable hands of his brother John. And finally Susan, who had a hard time convincing her brothers that she should be part of their group, now adds her lovely female voice to all the Cowsill music.