SUSIE: Well, y'see, John is the brother who's closest to me in age, so we get mad at each other a lot! Sometimes I start the fights, and sometimes he starts the fights. Like he'll say something and hit me, and I'll hit him back, and then we'll get into a real big fight!! (But that's kinda fun, cos he's really nice — all my brothers are very nice!)
BARRY: I like to hit him occasionally, you know — a little rap in the arm every once in a while. John is a wiseguy — like he'll tell me to shut up or something, so I hit him! It's a brother thing — we
always get into fights, just because he's as tall as me. What bugs me most about John is he's as tall as me and he's a year younger!
BOB: John is a real troublemaker! He's a typical 12-year-old — you know, a wiseguy! He thinks cos he has freckles and the rest of us don't he's cool! John is a wanderer — like he wanders away from his schoolwork, his drums. . .
BILL: John ... is ... a brat! A very talented brat!
(Nah, John is great!)