PAUL ON BOB: "Take a look at that cool, calm and collected guy I'm pointing to. That's my older brother Robert Paul Cowsill, and he's one of the nicest, most sincere people I know! 'Bob' (that's all I ever call him) and I have always been very close. I think of him as my best friend or closest buddy, even though he's actually my real brother. We both share a strong enthusiasm for sports and music -- but we're different in most other ways. Maybe that's why we get along so well!"
"Bob is the 'brain' and gets straight A's without even trying. He's always reading and is extremely neat. Since we bunk together (and have ever since I was eight years old), I can always count on Bob to clean up our room when the mess finally begins to annoy him. Bob has a secret ambition to someday teach school, and he would definitely be a great teacher. I should know - cos he has come to my rescue many times and helped me with my algebra and geometry. Now, he's teaching me to play organ and piano. From just being around Bob, I've picked up my sense of humor. So when he gets annoyed with my corny remarks - I simply tell him that it's his own fault!"
"When I need money (and that's all the time, cos I'm a notorious spendthrift), I can always ask Bob and I know he'll lend it to me! Since he's two years older than I (and sometimes he seems much older than his 19 years), I can turn to Bob for advice about everything - including girls! And my advice to you girls who want to impress Bob is: be natural and easy to talk with, but whatever you do - don't blow your cool! Sincerity can get you a lot farther with Bob than being pushy!"
"That should just about fill you in on my realistic, even-tempered brother Bob. And I might add - there's no one like him!"
BOB ON PAUL: "Let's see, now - what can I tell you about Paul Mitchell Cowsill? Well, he's 17 years old (that says a lot right there), he's not the moody type and he's one of the most comical guys you could ever meet. Even when he's getting yelled at, Paul manages to switch Mom's scolding of him to laughing with him. Needless to say, this charmer gets away with murder."
"Of all my brothers, I'm closest to Paul. I think that's because we're so close in age. My twin brother Dick and I are very opposite, and it just seemed natural that Paul and I were always doing things together."
"From as far back as I can remember, Paul has wanted to be a professional football player. Actually, he loves all sports and is a champion athlete! I can honestly say that (aside from sports) I've taught Paul everything he knows (ha-ha). But then, what's an older brother for?! I'm now teaching him to play organ, and he's doing amazingly well. Paul is the most recent member of the family to join us on stage, and I think he adds 'soul' to the group. He has an excellent voice, loves music - and girls tell me that he's very good-looking! Paul is enthusiastic about his 'show-biz' career and enjoys performing. But I'll bet that he'll be the first guy on the field to try out for his college football team when the time comes! Fortunately, the way our schedule is set, he'll be able to do both and not have to give up one for the other."
"Paul's latest hobby is girls! And he likes them all. But he shies away from the overly talkative, aggressive ones. We both like girls who are natural - but luckily we've never fell for or fought over the same girl. We don't double-date, either - and maybe that's one reason we get along so well!"