The Cowsills In Magazines

The Cowsills Tell On Bob
August 1968
Outasite Magazine

What happens when you ask the Cowsill kids to tell all? Lots of laughs!! Especially when they're snitching on the comedian of the family - Bob! We had so much fun listening to them, that we decided to tell you just exactly what they all said - straight from the OUTASITE! tape recorder!


"Tell us about yourselves," we said to the Cowsill kids. "Everybody asks us that," they said. "Okay," we said. 'tell us about each other!" And man, did they! Right into the OUTASITE! tape recorder, so here's exactly what they said about 18-year-old Bob, the second-oldest, who sings and plays guitar and organ for the group.

"Bob is very nice. And funny - that's for sure! You know how boys are - like when they're teen-agers. Like he put on this hat - you know, those hats you get with the ears that men wear? They call them scuffy hats, well ... YOU KNOW! And he's nice!"

"He's always hitting her, though! And me - you can't talk to Bob in a different language, because he cramps you in the arm. Like he'll say 'Cut it out, will you!' And you say, 'I didn't do anything!' and then he cramps me. All the time! That's all he knows how to do! Except he's also the best student - he and Barry."

"Bob's a real funny guy - he's always making funny faces, doing funny things. He has a great sense of humor! But it seems to me sometimes that he seems real nice and kind on the outside, but he's gets grumpy. Like when somebody wakes him up at 8 in the morning for an interview. You see, he can't stand interviews - unless he's in the mood for them - because usually you gotta get up early because everybody does when the interviewer's coming, and he just can't stand getting up early! So he's grumpy the rest of the day. But my father handles him - he says 'You're being too grumpy.' 'Yes sir, I'll stop it right now!' Most of the time he's great!"

"Bob is a clown! (You noticed?) But boy, you know he can turn it off like THAT! If everything suits him he'll be clowning around, because he likes it, but if he doesn't like it - forget it! Death is written on his face, and needles come out of his eyes. Like if there's an interviewer he doesn't like, he'll mumble. If he doesn't like you, he'll clam right up! Say yes, no, mumble-mumble. He drive people crazy that way! He regresses into a womb! Just forget it if he doesn't like you! He's a naive kind of person, too. He knows - but he shies away from a lot of things."


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