The Cowsills In Magazines

Teen Pin Ups Magazine - Other References
March 1968
Teen Pin Ups Magazine

We Snoop On The Groups and Tell All!

The Cowsills' Bill says that the biggest advantage to being a part of such a large family is that there are always plenty of clean clothes to wear. If he should run out of shirts, he can always borrow from his brothers. He says that the biggest disadvantage is that everytime he goes to put a clean shirt on, he finds that he has none left. They've all been swiped. Now what was he saying the first time???

Cool Scoops From Starsville!


The Cowsills' boy, Bob, gets a kick out of squirting water through the space between his two front teeth. His brothers and sister get in on the fun, too! And if any of them misses, Bob ends up with a wet face!!!

Nosey, Newsy Group Pix!


Cowsill Bob is getting a good chuckle out of his brother Bill! And why not? Bill's a certainly funny in a haystack headdress! (Note: they have Bob and Bill mixed up)



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Bill Cowsill — Born Jan. 9, 1948 in Providence, R.I.. 6'1" ... 150 lbs. . . . Married
Bob Cowsill - Born Aug. 26, 1949 in Portsmouth, Va. 5'11" ... 155 lbs. . . . Single
Barry Cowsill - Born Sept. 14, 1954 in Newport, R.I. 5'1" ... 100 lbs. . . . Single
John Cowsill - Born March 2, 1956 in Newport, R.I. 5'2" . . . 100 lbs. . . . Single

Barry Cowsill had a very embarrassing moment awhile back. He was playing his guitar and dancing in front of a huge audience and he really wanted to impress his fans. He got more than a little carried away, though. He actually fell off the five-foot high stage! But leave it to Barry not to blow his cool. He kept right on playing as he fell and never missed a note right through the song!

Address - Leonard Stogel Assoc., 888 Eigth Ave., N.Y., N.Y

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