The Cowsills In Magazines

Cowsills' Summer Calendar
August 1971
16 Magazine


HI 16-ers - the Cowsills here! We've sure done quite a bit of traveling during the last year, but we must admit - we enjoyed every minute of it! Not too long ago, we spent an entire month touring Europe and making personal appearances in Spain, Germany, Italy and England. It's such a great feeling when we visit a foreign country and find that the people are warm and friendly to us. It's just like having friends all around the world - and that just proves that people everywhere are really all alike! When we returned to the States, we headed for some shows in the New England area and, needless to say, our American friends were pretty special too! That's what we Cowsills have been up to. But now let's take a look at what's ahead for us this summer. We all got together and prepared this "Cowsill Calendar" - just for you!!


This month holds a special treat for us Cowsills, because we're going back to Newport! No - we're not moving back to Rhode Island, our home state for many years. But we will be in Newport for the first two weeks of July, and we're really looking forward to it! We will be appearing in the main room of Newport's Viking Hotel, and we'll be doing the same type of show there that we did when we performed at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. But the reason we're so excited is that we'll be "home" again - and we'll get to see and spend time with all of our friends and relatives in Newport. When we say we're going "home" - that's just what we mean, cos for the two weeks we Cowsills will be living in our very own Newport home. Somehow, we could never find it in our hearts to sell that 22-room house we all love so much, and now - after two years - we'll all be living there again!

The last two weeks of July are scheduled for recording our second LP for London Records (our first is entitled On My Side). We don't know for sure whether we'll be recording in Los Angeles or New York. In a way, we Cowsills are kind of hoping we'll get to spend some time in New York City, cos we lived there for a few months before making our big move west to California - and we'd like to see some of our friends there too. Gee, the way things are going - it sure looks like July will be "homecoming" month for us Cowsills! We'll also be appearing at the Elkhart County Fair in Goshen, Indiana, on July 29th.


As of this writing, we don't know exactly where we'll be during the month of August. After an entire month of practically staying put, we know we'll be anxious to travel - so, if we finish all of our recording, we will probably be back on the road again! Last summer we really enjoyed performing at lots of county and state fairs and hope to do many more this summer. Therefore, if your home town has a summer fair scheduled - read the talent line-up listed in your local newspaper and listen carefully to the commercials on your local radio station, cos you just may find that we Cowsills are heading your way !


Just before we return home to Glendale, California, and back to school - just like all of you - we have a few personal appearances scheduled for September. We hope one of them is in your area, if we haven't already visited your home town by now. Our September itinerary is as follows:
September 2: Fair - Fonda, New York.
September 3: Fair - Essex Junction, Vermont.
September 5 & 6: Nebraska State Fair - Lincoln, Nebraska.
Hope we see you !!

Other Reference:

16's All-Star Birthday and Gift Guide


BARBARA COWSILL: Birthday - July 12; hat - 21; blouse - Ladies' Size 34 (or Medium); sweater - 36 (or Medium); shoe - 7 1/2; stockings - 9; ring - 6; favorite color - green; favorite gifts - paperback books on any subject at all; address - Box 69420, Los Angeles, Calif.

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