Barry flies through the air with ease - thanks to his brother Bob, quite a tease!
The C's look serious - and they are when it comes to a discussion about music during their recording session!
THE COWSILLS are up to some wild new doings and they're thinking and wishing some outasite things! We're going to put you in the know about what this hot, "in" group's up to! Here's the latest , nosey nws about The C's ...
1. The C's are absolutely filpped out over the fact that they've been chosen to be one of the United States representatives at the San Remo Festival of music in Italy!
2. Mini-Mom Barbara and sister Susan are looking forward to seeing the fashions in Rome!
3. Bill's enthusiastic about getting a peek at all the lovely Swedish blonds when The C's are in that part of the world in April!
4. Denmark is where Bob's heart is - and the rest of the family's planning to keep a close eye on him to make sure he doesn't miss the plane back home with them!
5. All the language practice the group's been doing has really paid off! They'll sing "We Can Fly" in Italian at the Festival!
6. The C's don't mind admitting that they're very fond of Captain McCormick, their family ghost. And he and Curly, their dog, are the two things they miss most while they're on tour!
7. Bob spends his spare time on tours looking for places that serve spaghetti. Italy will seem like heaven to him 'cause there he can eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if he wants to!
8. MGM Records spend two hundred thousand dollars to promote the group and let you know that they exist and that they're good! Every penny was worth it!
9. Though The C's like recording, they still tike a live audience best! They get a real kick out of watching people dancing to their music and applauding for them!
10. Susan says the worst thing about being the only girl and the youngest in a family of six boys is all the teasing she gets!
11. Dick, Bob's twin, says he'd rather be a road manager of the group than be a singer! For one thing, he claims his voice isn't so hot. For another, he might get stage-fright!
12. Barbara says she kept the kids in line with spanking when they deserved it!
13. Father Bud says the key word in raising his big family was LOVE! It balances out the necessary discipline and problems!
14. As far as Susan's concerned, one of the best things about being the only girl will be that when she's old enough to date, the house will be full of her brothers' friends! She won't have far to look to meet a lot of guys!
15. Bill's the quietest Cowsill — but everyone admits that he's the most popular with older girls! There must be something
to the idea that gals dig the strong 'n silent type!
16. John's big ambition is to be a surgeon! He's a pretty fast operator now, as far as most girls are concerned!
17. Susan's big wish is to own a pony named Lenny! And a poodle to keep Curly company!
18. Barry's big dream is to have a banana-yellow car with very large purple tires, fenders and hardware!
19. Paul thinks it's groovy to have so many brothers — 'cause between them they have such a huge wardrobe!
20. Barbara spends her spare time catching up on the family laundry! She wishes the boys had a smaller wardrobe!
21. Bob would really love to meet Sandy Dennis 'cause he thinks she's the greatest!
22. John's most embarrassing moment came when he was showing off with a pair of drumsticks — and dropped them right in front of the audience!
23. Barry would like to be a professional football player. He's like to start out by playing in college — and then he hopes to move into the big leagues if they'll only take him!
24. Bill thinks that Christmas is the grooviest time of year! Everyone wakes up at three in the morning and they all open their presents together under the biggest tree in the world!
25. Barbara isn't sure she has enough kids — she may adopt some more when hers get older!
26. Barry thinks more kids would be a great idea — after all, you've got to have eleven for a real football team!
27. Papa Bud wants all his kids to go to college 'cause he thinks an education is very important. He also thinks it'll be fun for them. After that, what they want to do is up to them!
28. John's the first Cowsill up in the morning! While the others are still sleeping, he likes to take long walks and think!
29. Bob's the last Cowsill to go to bed. While the others are sleeping, he takes his shower — it's the only time he can find the bathroom empty!
30. All the kids clean their own rooms and make their own beds! And they always will, no matter how rich or famous they become!
31. Susan's an expert tree-climber, football and baseball player and swimmer! Her brothers did a good job of teaching her how and now she can compete with any of them!
32. Captain McCormick's ghost lets The C's know he's around by opening and closing doors. He also walks up and down the stairs!
33. The C's would be more afraid without their ghost than with him! They're sure if there's ever a burglar in the house or a fire, the Captain will find some way of letting them know and protect them!
34. Though Bob's a casual sort of guy, his idea of an ideal date is to get all dressed up and come into New York for dinner and dancing or walks along Fifth Avenue and Central Park on Sundays!
35. Bill loves to go for pizza, hamburgers and malteds to finish off a date!
36. John digs mini-skirts the most — and he thinks that anyone with nice legs should wear them! He's proud of his Mom because she can!
37. While The C's love doing their own, original music — they still plan to go on impersonating other groups 'cause it's so much fun!
38. Dick thinks it's fun to have a twin brother! He and Bob are so close, Dick sometimes knows what Bob's thinking or planning!
39. The way to Susan's heart is saying it with flowers! If she has a fight with any of her brothers', she can't stay mad long if they send her a bouquet!
40. The C's get a kick out of Sunday family "cook-ins!" Everybody makes one thing for the Sunday dinner and they get some really wild food combinations!
41. When Susan's relaxing, she loves to wear the boys' old shirts! It saves wear and tear on her own clothes.
42. John's idea of fun is a day at the beach swimming and sunning — and watching girls go by!
43. Barry's most embarrassing moment was falling off a five-foot stage while playing and dancing — but he never missed a note on his guitar!
44. Bob thinks one of the best things about Newport is the Newport School for Girls!
45. Bill wants to write a book of poetry someday! He's had a lot of practice writing poetic songs!
46. Paul thinks it's groovy to be the member of a big family 'cause when birthday time rolls around — there are so many gifts given to him!
47. John would really dig having his own Apollo moon ship one day! And he figures that by the time he's old enough to "drive," it will be a possibility!
48. Bill's dream date is a girl with long, long hair who's intelligent and likes to read a lot!
49. Bob's problem in his big family is when he needs them most, like right before a date!
50. The C's dig meeting fans!
Success hasn't spoiled your favs - they still do all their own work around the house! And here's Paul who's providing just that by washing the dishes!
Here are The C's casually at home! Left to right are Bill, Dick, Barry, Bob, Mini-Mom Barbara, John, Paul, Susan and Papa Bud. If you look really close, maybe you can glimpse the ghost of the Captain with them!