The Cowsills - Sins, Secrets, Scoops, Snaps, Surprises If happiness is knowing all there is to know about The Cowsills - past, present and future - get ready to be overwhelmed! November 1968 Teen World Magazine
SCOOP! Hot stuff! Handle with care! Right off the press!
. . . The Cowsills just might be doing a TV show—either a special or a series starring themselves!
. . . The Cowsills kids, stars or not, have curfews they have to meet!
. . . The Cowsills want to take a vacation as soon as they finish moving to California and are all settled down!
. . . The Cowsills admit they're going to miss New York the most—but they're sure they'll have a good time in California!
. . . The Cowsills look forward to meeting movie stars and groups from the West Coast!
. . . The Cowsills are actually as happy together as they look!
BARRY SECRETLY ADORES going swimming . . . taking care of sick animals and birds . . . talking to strangers . . . combing his hair different ways . . . eating ice cream . . . listening to his older brothers talk about dating experiences and problems . . . hiding his clothes from his brothers so they can't borrow everything. . . taking a nap in the middle of the day . . . going to Disneyland . . . eating pistachio nuts and getting the red all over his hands . . .teasing his little sister Susie . . . sitting in the grass with his shoes off . . . running after a high fly ball . . . thinking about having a girlfriend of his own!
JOHN SECRETLY DETESTS being babied by anybody . . . people who ask what he wants to be when he grows up . . . listening to records with scratches in them . . . having to pose for pictures when they aren't natural . . . getting into fights and arguments with members of his family . . . people who talk a lot but don't really say anything . . . people who never smile . . . having to remember birthdays . . . thunder and lightning . . . girls who giggle over anything and everything . . . people who mistreat animals . . . warm soda . . . having to use the bathroom last . . . toothpaste tubes that are all messed up . . . cry-babies!
BOB SECRETLY FLIPS FOR hopping across country in an airplane ... hiking in the mountains . . . girls with long, wavy hair . . . being awake at sunrise . . . the idea of space exploration . . . writing a really good song . . . being recognised on the street by fans . . . ruffles and beads on both guys and gals ... an old-fashioned, home-cooked dinner . . . seeing how happy Bill and Karen are together . . . fan mail addressed specifically to him.. . .fresh, cold milk from a bottle . . . walking hand-in-hand with a pretty girl!
THE COWSILLS are known to get in a little bit of trouble from time to time. If you don't believe it, read about the time . . .
. . . Barry sinned when he told a girl Bob really liked her! It embarrassed Bob to death when he found out—and Barry was sorry he did it!
. . . John sinned when he got mad once and took his anger out on his little sister! He's learned since then that that isn't very nice.
. . . Bob sinned when he forgot to stop for some groceries on his way home from school! There wasn't very much dinner that night and Bob learned his lesson!
. . . Bill sinned when he told a few people where he was going on his honeymoon! (You can guess why, can't you?)
. . . Paul sinned when he hesitated before deciding to become part of the on-stage group. Now he realizes he could have made a terrible mistake!
. . . Susie sinned when she got mad once and swore she'd never talk to her brother again! Now they remind her about it—and ask her to keep her promise please!
BILL SECRETLY LOOKS FORWARD TO the day when he'll have a Cowsill clan of his own . . . his first wedding anniversary—so he can give Karen a wonderful gift . . . his fiftieth wedding anniversary—so he can give Karen an even more wonderful gift . . . giving marriage advice to his younger brothers . . . the future and more success . . . all the hit records he's going to write . . . the house with the flowered lawn he someday hopes to own . . . the day robots will do lots of the mechanical work people have to do now ... a world full of love and happiness!
PAUL SECRETLY LONGS FOR a girlfriend who can play tennis like a pro ... a day without one single bit of work to do ... an album that contains hit songs from beginning to end . . . the day his brothers stop borrowing his things . . . the day he can make himself a snack without suddenly having to make it in triplicate for the rest of the family . . . the day he can buy himself a big sports car . . . the feeling of being out on your own ... a whole mountain of chocolate-covered raisins ... a vegetable garden in the back yard ... a girl to love who'll love him!
SUSIE SECRETLY GETS ANGRY when people tell her she looks just like Barry and John . . . when she hears about children starving in the world . . . when her favorite television program isn't on when it's supposed to be ... when the peanut butter jar is empty . . . when her brothers say they never tease her!
BUD AND BARBARA SECRETLY PRAY that their children will be as happy during their lives as they are right now . . . that they'll never have money worries again . . . that the new house they've bought will be big enough . . . that they become grandparents soon . . . that fans continue to love The Cowsills!
SURPRISE! This may be hard to take, but . . .
. . . The Cowsills often read the comics together!
. . . The Cowsills feel it's an occasion when they all have dinner together! (They usually have to eat in shifts.)
. . . The Cowsills wait until the last second to buy each other Christmas presents!
. . . The Cowsills hardly ever go out to restaurants all together!
. . , The Cowsills collect all their fan mail and then read it in a group!
. . . The Cowsills don't fall asleep easily until every member of the family is home!
. . . The Cowsills really dig their fans!
. . . He was born on September 14, 1954.
. . . He's 5'1" and weighs in at 103 lbs.
. . . His shoe size is 8.
. . . He wears slacks in size 27.
. . . He wears a size 14 (regular) jacket.
. . . His waist is 33 1/2 inches.
. . . He's got a size 13 neck.
. . . His jacket size is 14 (regular).
. . . His waist is 28 inches.
. . . He wears a size 25 1/2 slack.
. . . His shoe size is 9 1/2.
. . . His neck size is 13 1/2.
. . . He's 5'2" and weighs 100 lbs.
. . . He was born on March 2, 1956.
. . . His waist size is 32.
. . . He wears a size 10 shoe.
. . . His slacks are size 30.
. . . He has brown eyes and black hair.
. . . He was born on August 26, 1949.
. . . He's 5'11" and weighs 155 lbs.
. . . He wears a size 37 (long) jacket.
. . . His neck is size 15.
. . . He has green eyes and brown hair.
. . . He was born on January 9, 1948.
. . . He wears a size 11 shoe.
. . . He has a 30" waist.
. . . His neck size is 15.
. . . He wears size 31 slacks.
. . . His sleeve is 30" long.
. . . He's 6'1" and weighs 150
. . . He wears a size 39 (long) jacket.
. . . His waist is size 32.
. . . His shoe size is 10 1/2.
. . . He wears size 31 slacks.
. . . His waist is 32 inches.
. . . His neck size is 15.
. . . He's 6'1" and weighs 150 lbs.
. . . He was born on November 11, 1951.
. . . He has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes.