John and Barry aren't quite ready for romantic love - the very special feeling that joins a girl and boy - but there are many other kinds of love, and here they confinde what their loves are!
I don't think that anyone is too young to love. Love is a natural feeling you're born with! To me, love is a feeling of happiness. When I love something or someone, I'm in a good mood and I feel all warm - like the sun is shining brightly inside me!
I love my mom and dad, all of my brothers and my sister Susie (but please don't tell her I admitted that!) The love I have for my family is different from the love I have for material things, like our new home in Santa Monica, my drums or Newport, Rhode Island - the city in which I was born and spent most of my childhood.
To me, love is many, many things. It's performing on stage, eating ice cream, going to Europe - and just doing all sorts of things that are fun. But above everything else (except the love I feel for my family), the deepest love I have is for my friends.
FRIENDS Being performers, we Cowsills get to meet a lot of people. But we're always rushing from one town to another, or from place to place so quickly that I barely meet someone and before we can really get to know each other - I have to be on my way again! Even when we're at home in Santa Monica, it's hard to find time to spend with my newfound friends. I see them at school and sometimes, if I'm not working or rehearsing, we can get together. Unfortunately, these times are rare, so when I do have time to spend with my friends I enjoy every precious moment! I still keep in touch with my friends in Newport, even though I can't see them as often as I'd like to - now that we've moved to California. But I think about them a lot. Because I love friends, all of your letters mean so very much to me. It's like having friends all over the world.
ROMANTIC LOVE This is another kind of love, of course, that I don't know too much about - yet! That's romantic love - the name I give to describe love between a boy and a girl! Sure, there are girls I love - my mother, my sister Sue, Bill's wife Karen - and I love girls like you, who are my friends. But one day, when I'm old enough to date, I'll meet a girl who will become very special in my life - and I'll fall in love with her. I haven't gotten to that point, and I must admit - as far as romantic love is concerned - I'm just a bit too young! But, as I've explained - I'm not too you to love!
The word "love" means something different to every individual. Some people have a long list of persons and things they love. I like many persons - but I reserve the word "love" for special persons and things, cos I don't think it should be used loosely. If I said I loved everyone and everything I like (no matter how much I do like them), then love wouldn't be extra special. And to me - love is extra special!
Love is something like being on top of the world and feeling all warm inside - tingling and happy. Love is having a family! I've learned what love is from just growing up surrounded by it. Love is comfort and understanding. Love is sharing - everything from ideas to a loaf of bread. Love is giving as well as receiving.
LOVE & MARRIAGE I get a warm feeling inside me when I read your letters, or when I look out into the audience from the stage and see you smile at me. That's why - even though we may not have met yet - in a way, I love you!
Right now, I love my family most of all, but someday I know I'll love a girl who will be (to use John's wards) extra special. She'll be my girl - and maybe even become my wife! I sometimes wonder when and where I'll meet her, and what it's like to really fall in love. Will she be someone I know already? Will I meet her when we're on tour? Will she be one of the girls who sent me her picture in a letter? I've just started dating and, as you can see, I'm no expert on the subject of love - although I do think about it an awful lot. I know I'm not too young to love - even if I'm too young to get married!