"Listen, my old man is really a pain. He doesn't know what's happening ... like, he doesn't know anything. He makes me so mad sometimes I scream and yell at him and feel like punching him in the nose! Wow! What a drag...."
—Singer who would like to be a star

BARRY COWSILL'S clean-cut good looks win over girls and their parent!
He's a drag too ... not the father, in this case, but the singer who hopes that one of these days his name will be in lights, girls will scream his name, even adults will buy his records.
Fat chance!
The singer has forgotten—or perhaps never learned—that it's the nice guys who finish first today.
Don't believe us? Say it can't be so, it's just like that in fairy tales and dreams?
What's the matter with YOU? Haven't you heard of Barry Cowsill, Barry Williams and Kurt Russell? Of course you have, silly!
Barry, Kurt and Barry—you can pick them out of a crowd because they stand out. First of all, you can usually see their ears. None of the guys have taken to wearing shoulder length hair.

A READY smile for everyone that he sees is a big part of Barry's charm. |
You could invite all three of them have lunch with your Aunt Matilda and she'd never complain. Besides, Barry Kurt and Barry know what a bottle shampoo looks like—and they use it! No one, even in their wildest dreams would call any of them a hippie!

Those who know him well insist they've never seen him lose his temper!
Speaking of Aunt Matilda, Barry, Kurt and Barry have their own Aunt Matildas—and they visit her often. Lots of stars totally forget about their families and once they leave home, never visit there again. One pop star doesn' even remember the name of his little sister! But Barry, Kurt and Barry always keep their families in mind, they're away, they write. Kurt often asks people he meets on location to go with him to help pick up gifts for his
mother and father. When they're in town, Barry, Kurt and Barry even live at home.
Don't think that our nice guys are any different than you, though. Just because you might scream and yell at your parents doesn't mean that they don't sometimes feel like doing it too! Of course they do! Absolutely no one lives in an ivory tower where their parents don't sometimes get on their nerves . . . that just doesn't happen!
The difference between other people and Barry, Kurt and Barry is that these three have learned to listen and be calm, patient and hold their tongues. They've learned that the best policy —and the only one if you want to be successful—is to respect everyone. And that includes parents!
Barry Williams sometimes feels like letting loose with a scream like a wounded panther when a make-up man messes up his face and Barry has to sit through the whole icky process again. But Barry knows that no one is perfect all the time—even make-up men—so he keeps quiet. And he does the same thing at home when he has to pitch in with the dishes or take out the trash even though he's just gotten dressed up or any of those little things that sometimes threaten to drive a person crazy. . . .
Because Barry, Kurt and Barry have discovered that it's the nice guys who finish first, they're all big favorites with their co-workers.
"Barry is so easy to work with," says a lighting man for the Cowsills. "He never complains or protests or threatens to walk off stage if everything isn't perfect in two seconds flat. Those lights can be hot but he knows that I'm just as anxious to do a good job as he is and that freaking out isn't going to help at all!"
Kurt Russell is such good friends with the man who produced his new album that the two of them go jogging every morning when Kurt's in town. That's what's called being easy to work with, and nice to have for a friend!
Barry Williams is a favorite with industry people too—and that's important. Have you ever seen a fave on TV or in a movie and they looked just awful? Really dreadful? And yet you knew they were good-looking in person.... Well, that's because one of the important people behind the scenes probably was the victim of a nasty assault by the fave. And if the industry person doesn't like someone, why should he make the fave look good? See how it works!
Barry, Kurt and Barry are pretty smart about their separate businesses. That's because they're not afraid to ask questions. There's a famous story about a movie star who went in to record his first album. Because people like Mark Lindsay and John Lennon and John Philips were both singing and producing their own albums, this particular guy thought he would too. Well, he worked for months on the album and nothing ever turned out. He was so impressed with himself that he wouldn't ask questions—and he lost almost $40,000 because of it!
Barry, Kurt and Barry got into the business when they were young and didn't know a lot about it. Perhaps that's, why they're not too shy or ashamed or embarrassed or whatever to ask questions now. So they do—and it pays off.
Probably the most important guiding line they all have, however, is one that doesn't matter what business you're in, whether you're rich or poor, whether you're pretty or not so pretty. It's so simple that you've heard it thousands of you know the rest, don't you?
Barry, Kurt and Barry haven't forgotten, even for a minute, that they're just plain people. They breathe, cough, sneeze, catch colds, worry about their complexions, break fingernails—they do everything you do! Just because they've got the kind of life where other people watch them doesn't mean they've let it go to their heads. They haven't.
In fact, sometimes Kurt will go into a store and people will start to make a fuss over him and he'll wonder what's wrong. He's afraid maybe he's ripped his jeans in the back or forgotten to wear them or something. He just can't always remember that he's a big-time movie star.
Barry, Kurt and Barry are always polite. They never abuse a waitress, policeman, mailman, valet or even dog-catcher. They don't believe in being nasty—and that's a nice way to be!
So next time someone is putting down their parents or hating their sister or bad-mouthing a policeman or just being obnoxious, don't worry. Even if it looks like they'll be the biggest thing to hit the world since sliced bread . . . well, you know and Kurt knows and Barry knows and Barry knows and people who know Barry, Kurt and Barry know that it's the NICE GUYS WHO FINISH FIRST!