Yes, YOU'RE invited for a swinging visit with the Cowsill clan - and here's a preview of the wonderful times you'll have!!
Living with us Cowsills is quite an experience! It can be very exciting - a bit confusing - sometimes nerve-racking - pretty hectic - but I must admit that most of the time we do have lots of fun! Do you think you could take it? Before you answer my question, read on - cos I'm about to describe a "typical" Saturday at home with us. Of course, when we're working, the day is quite different - but that's another story altogether. If you can get through a Saturday at home with us - the rest is easy! You decide - and let me know if you think you could come to live with us!
If you decide you could live with us, you'd have your choice of sharing Susie's room with her or having a room of your very own. We have so many rooms in our Santa Monica house that you can literally get lost there! Even though we've lived here for just about a year now, I'm still discovering new things!
Saturdays are our favorite day of the week. Susan (she doesn't like to be called "Susie" anymore) is the first one to wake up. At 7:30 every Saturday morning, she gets up and turns on the TV set to watch cartoons. The sound of the television soon awakens Mom. Dad's a heavy sleeper, so the "noise" doesn't disturb him!
Once awake, Mom immediately goes to the kitchen to make herself some coffee. Needless to say, that's Susan's cue to get some breakfast - and by 8 o'clock Mom is cooking up some bacon and eggs for her. Well, would you believe that the smell of food is what makes me wake up? 'Tis true - the minute I smell food (even in my dreams), I get ravenously hungry! I get out of bed (after I count to ten, that is), jump into the shower and - you guessed it! - since we share a room, the sound of me taking a shower awakens John!
So, before too much time has passed, John and I are in the kitchen eating too! I'm all decked out in a pair of cutoffs (that's a pair of my old jeans cut off at the knee), and a big, sloppy sweatshirt - and John is wearing his fav pair of corduroy pants, but he's shirtless! We call John the original "Adonis"!
After breakfast, we all sort of go our separate ways. Sue is off somewhere with her friends, John has changed into his swimsuit and is out by the pool, and I go back to my bedroom to watch TV for a couple of hours. As I sit in my room, the procession begins. First, Bob comes in to use the shower. Then David Ray (a friend of the family and a business associate of my dad's) comes in for his shower. And then Richard "Biggy" Korn (another friend and business associate) gets his turn to wash up. David and "Biggy" live with us too. Even though there are several bathrooms and showers in our house - it seems that all of the guys like the one in John's and my room best. It's sort of a meeting place in the morning!
By noon, everyone heads out to join John at the pool. There are lots of things you can do there. Some of us swim or play pool, while others play basketball on the tennis court - honest! About this time, Paul comes wandering home. The night before, he went to a late party and due to the fog he thought it was safer not to drive home. So he spent the night at a friend's house.
Now the confusion begins! By the way, I'd better warn you - don't try to keep track of everyone. That's Mom and Dad's job. I've tried it and it's almost impossible - so just get used to the traffic and enjoy yourself!
I'm in and out of the house looking for good movies to watch on TV - in between my dips in the pool. The film I really want to see is 13 Ghosts, but so far I haven't been able to find it. You could help me hunt for movies - go horseback riding with John - join Susan and her friends - go to the beach with Paul and some of his crowd - or go pool-party hopping with Bob. Then again, you may want to stay home by the pool, cos the barbecue is always going and there's always a bunch of people there!
Wherever we go or whatever we do - everyone is home by 5:30 or 6. That's cos we have to get dressed for our swingin' Saturday night. You won't believe the scene! Everyone rushes about getting ready and it looks like the mad scramble in the hall at school when the bell rings at lunch time! On this particular Saturday night, even Mom and Dad are going out too. This means that John will have to stay home with Sue. He doesn't mind too much, cos he'll get to go to Disney land the next day as a reward for giving up his Saturday night out. And, if you'd like to go - John will be more than happy to take you with him for a grand tour of Disneyland! But on this night I have plans for you! We're going out alone - together - to dinner and a movie!
For his big night out, Paul usually wears jeans (with his bathing suit underneath!), a work shirt and his boots - natch. Paul always wear his boots! And you can immediately guess that he'll stop off at Santa Monica beach sometime before the evening is over. It seems that Paul is always at the beach! Bob is much more dressed up. He's wearing his bright red suit and plans to make the night club scene. You can bet that the whole bunch will have a fantastic time. And I'm especially hoping your evening is the most enjoyable!
Bob drops us off in town since I'm too young to drive a car. I let you pick out a restaurant and we go in for dinner. I feel real sophisticated in my new pinstripe suit - and you look beautiful in your lovely summer dress. I'm a little nervous, cos this is one of my first dates - but we get along so well that I soon get over my jitters.
Before we realize it, we've finished dinner and we're waiting in line at the movie theater. We've chosen a movie we both want to see - one of the popular ones that's playing across the country! After the film, we find a way to get home. It's not all that far, and California is such a friendly place that we're bound to run into somebody I know who can drive us home.
We're the first ones to get back. It's about 11 P.M., and we're not sleepy yet, so John, Susie, you and I have a little party of our own. We make snacks, play some records and then watch a late movie on TV. Mom and Dad get home about midnight and find the four of us sound asleep in the living room with the TV still on! They wake us up and send us to our rooms. It's a toss-up as to who comes home next - but we won't know, for we'll be sound asleep! After all - tomorrow's another day!!