The Cowsills In Magazines

My Secret Date Book by John Cowsill
June 1970
16 Magazine

I first noticed girls - and how much I liked them! - a little over a year ago, when I turned 13. Before that, girls just didn't seem to interest me - or should I say, I pretended they didn't! I thought about girls quite a bit and I even had my secret little crushes, but (like all boys that age) I was embarrassed to admit that I thought girls were pretty neat! I was sort of shy around girls, but I hung around them just the same. Even though I didn't do much talking - I learned a lot just by watching and listening!

I've been to many parties and other places with a group of friends (boys and girls), but at the moment - I've never been out on a real date! I'm ready now, and I'm really looking forward to my first date. In fact, my secret date book is all about this very special date and exactly what I hope it will be like!

I wonder if you and I would have fun on a date? Do you think we would? Why don't you come along and share they evening I've planned for my first date? It just may be your very first date too - and I kind of feel we could have a lot of fun together!

I don't admit this to everyone, but you see - I'm still a little shy. I'm only telling you cos I have a feeling you're shy too! That's O.K. with me, cos I really like shy girls - as long as they are warm and friendly underneath their shyness. I don't like aggressive girls who come on strong. They really turn me off! Your being shy is probably what attracted me to you in the first place, and I like the idea that you waited for me to make the first move. You see - you really are my kind of girl!

I've planned a wonderful evening for us! You may be surprised to hear this, but we are not going to a party or doubling with another couple. I would like to just be alone with you, and I don't think you like crowds anyway. Besides, I want to get to know you better - and if we were with a bunch of people, that might not be possible.

I'd pick you up at your house at about six o'clock. I'm not old enough to drive a car, so depending on what you feel like doing - we'd walk, take a bus or ride in a taxi to the restaurant of our choice for a nice quiet dinner. I like the idea of going out to eat with you, cos sitting there, relaxed, will give us a chance to talk. I honestly believe we'll be very much at ease together, even though we both may be a little on the shy side with other people!

After our delicious dinner, we're going to see a movie. I sure hope you like beautiful, romantic films like Romeo And Juliet - cos that's the type of picture I want to take you to. Don't worry about sobbing during a sad scene. I'm sensitive too, and although I wouldn't cry (after all, I am a boy!) I would understand it if you did. Those scenes really get to me too!

When the movie is over and I've helped you dry your eyes - I'd want to see you smile again. So I just might pull one of my little jokes on you. You've probably heard about my reputation for teasing, so I hope you don't take it seriously or get upset. Oh, what am I worried about? I don't have to explain this to you! I just remembered that you have a great sense of humor! That was another reason I liked you and asked you out in the first place!

I wouldn't want to take you right home after the film. We'd find a nice, quiet little place where we could go for a soda and some more talk. Then I'd walk you home. I'd choose to walk cos that would give me an excuse to hold your hand, and besides - it would take longer and give us some extra time to spend together! By the time we reached your front door, we'd have made plans for our next date. We wouldn't want to see the evening end, but it would be getting late and it would be time to say "good-bye" - for awhile. I had a great evening. I hope you did too! And regarding a good-night kiss - what do you think?

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