How To Get A Date With Them! June 1968 Star Time Magazine
JOHN COWSILL ... be the kind of girl who can remind him of his mother - when asked what he likes in a girl, he often says "Mom" ... be able to whip up turkey dinners and lemon pies - they're his favorite kinds of foods ... be an eager -beaver type - with plenty of energy and go-go-go! John's usually the first one up in the morning - and he doesn't stop tearing around until he's fast asleep at night ... go to Newport, Rhode Island to meet him ... be the kind of girl who likes to try new things - John does. In fact, right this minute, he's learning to play a horn ... be a good swimmer and swimming dates might be on the agenda for the two of you ... get used to (even get to like) the sounds of drumming - John drums on everything, including his drums, the dinner table, the arm of a chair, his fingers, etc. ... be willing to help him do some of his homework - study dates are a good start!
BOB COWSILL ... dig sitar music - you'll have something in common with Bob right away ... be a terrific Scrabble player and consider a night spent playing a rousing game a very good way to spend a date ... wear the color blue a lot - especially if you have blue eyes to match ... let your hair grow long - Bob digs long hair on girls ... enjoy listening to The Beatles, piano-playing and banjo-playing ... think that the perfect way to end a date is to stop off at a local resturant for a steaming pizza and French fries ... learn how to whip up a lot of desserts - Bob loves them, all kinds ... be interested in education - Bob would like to be a teacher ... learn how to be quiet when the need arises - but know when to laugh and be as cheerful as Bob would want you to be!
BARRY COWSILL ... wear red a lot - it's Barry's favorite color ... learn to love lobster so you can share it with him during dinner ... perhaps even learn to cook it - and don't forget the good butter sauce that goes with it ... be able to carry on a discussion about scientific matters - Barry likes science a lot and even plans ot be a scientist in the future ... learn how to play monopoly and be willing to spend hours bending over a monopoly board ... be a good sport ... be a good participant in sports - including skin diving, badmiton and swimming ... be very interested in school and try to get good grades - Barry's an A and B student ... love animals a lot and be prepared to watch his pet hamsters play!
BILL COWSILL ... be prepared to spend all your evenings in seafood resturants - Bill can't get enough fish ... learn how to cook French fries that are crispy on the outside but soft and mushy on the inside ... wear the color blue often ... learn how to make strawberry shortcake - it's his favorite dessert ... be willing to share Bill's affection with a cuddly little puppy or any other animal that happens to like him .... be the kind of girl who doesn't talk too much - especially when it's not neessary ... dig spending afternoons sitting in stadiums watching sports events ... be interested in education ... dig Herb Alpert and enjoy going to his concerts ... dig listening to The Beatles for hours and hours and hours ....and hours!