ALTHOUGH John and Barry Cowsill do not have steady girls - and do not plan to go steady in the near future - they do love to date and they do think about girls all the time! Like many other things, going steady has its advantages and disadvantages so John and Barry would like to share their opinions with you and tell you just why they are for and against going steady!!
Barry: When a guy has a steady girl - he feels more secure. In other words, I wouldn't have to worry about who to ask out, or if the girl I wanted to call and invite out would be busy that night. I'd know she was available, cos she wouldn't be dating other boys!
John: When you're going steady - you feel more sure of yourself! No more wondering "Did I make a good impression?" - or stuff like that. After all, if she's going steady with me, I'd know she must like me!
Barry: Going steady give you the chance to really get to know a girl. If I were going steady with someone we'd spend so much time together that I'd see her different moods, learn all her inner thoughts and share her special secrets.
John: Although I always try to be myself and act natural - when I'm out on a date, I'm on my best behavior and subconsciously reveal only my good side. But if I were going steady, a girl couldn't help but eventually know the real me - faults and all! Now, I'm not saying that it's great to let others see your faults, just that it's a good feeling to know someone cares for me - even though I'm not perfect!
Barry: When you're going steady - it's like being engaged or even married, because you don't date any one else. That's fine when you're really in love - but I think I'm a little too young (I was 16 on September 14th) to understand real love and to get that serious about one special girl.
John: Sometimes I meet a girl I really like, and then a few days later - I meet another girl I feel I like just as much! If I were going steady and met another girl I was attracted to - I couldn't ask her out. I think it's much better for someone my age (I'm 14 years old) to date lots of different girls and then decide which one is right for me. Needless to say, I think I have several years to wait!
Barry: Sometimes people who are going steady don't really love each other. They're just used to being together, and although they might know in their hearts that they are not right for each other - they're insecure and afraid to break up. They cling to each other out of habit and fear that they won't find someone else. It's sad, because both people would be better off and be able to find real happiness if only they could let go.
John: It's dangerous to go steady, because very often going steady leads to marriage! Now don't get me wrong - I have nothing against marriage! It's just that when you're young and you haven't dated many people, you could "think" you love someone and before you know it - you're married! The dangerous thing is when you realize that you made a mistake - it's too late. So much hurt could have been avoided if only you gave yourself a chance to meet other people and didn't go steady!